Jacob is an ordinary man living an ordinary life with his beautiful wife, until the day he wakes up in an eerie hotel room to find himself being brutally tortured by a mysterious woman. He succumbs to the unbearable pain and loses consciousness; only to awake safely back in his own home the next morning to discover that he has been missing for days. At first, Jacob believes his experience was just a vivid nightmare, until it happens again, and then again. As each episode becomes more realistic, he loses his grasp on what is real and what seems to be a sick game. Who are his friends? Who are his enemies? What is the truth? In the end the truth will be a lie, and the evil consuming him will stem not from his actions, but from his secret.
Director(s) : Harsh Warrdhan (as Harsh Gijre)
Writer(s) : Sukhi Pabla (story), , Christopher Hazelett (characters), Harsh Warrdhan (screenplay) (as Harsh Gijre), Rajesh Naroth (characters)
Genre(s) : Drama,Thriller
Length : 1 h 34 minCountry : United StatesLangage : EnglishCoulor : ColorUS Release : 2007-05-01Aka(s) :
(original title) - A Secret Handshake
United States - A Secret Handshake
United States - A Secret Handshake
(original title) - A Secret Handshake
United States - A Secret Handshake
United States - A Secret Handshake
Actors :
Danielle Bitton Jacob's Lawyer /Exotic Nurse
Subash Chand Dr Suri
Devon Marcel Clark III Young Jacob
Kennedy Danko Young Carmen
Philip Hersh Jacob's Boss
Paul Howard Long John
Tammy Klein Carmen's Mother
Jessica Landon Carmen
Carrie Lazar Victoria
Benjamin Mani The Bell Boy
Carl McDowell Prison Inmate
Robert Olding Jacob
Tony Piantedosi Prison Guard
Amy Ripley Tiffany
Pandora Sanguine Lucy
Dan Swett Carmen's Father
Danielle Bitton Jacob's Lawyer /Exotic Nurse
Subash Chand Dr Suri
Devon Marcel Clark III Young Jacob
Kennedy Danko Young Carmen
Philip Hersh Jacob's Boss
Paul Howard Long John
Tammy Klein Carmen's Mother
Jessica Landon Carmen
Carrie Lazar Victoria
Benjamin Mani The Bell Boy
Carl McDowell Prison Inmate
Robert Olding Jacob
Tony Piantedosi Prison Guard
Amy Ripley Tiffany
Pandora Sanguine Lucy
Dan Swett Carmen's Father
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