A career thief witnesses a horrific crime involving the U.S. President.
Original Title : ABSOLUTE POWER
Director(s) : Clint Eastwood
Writer(s) : David Baldacci (book), , William Goldman (screenplay)
Genre(s) : Action,Crime,Drama
Length : 2 hs 1 minuteYear : 1997Country : United StatesCoulor : ColorRatio : 2.39 : 1French Release : 1997-05-21US Release : 1997-02-14Aka(s) :
(original title) - Absolute Power
Argentina - Poder absoluto
Australia - Absolute Power
Austria - Absolute Power
Brazil - Poder Absoluto
Bulgaria - Абсолютна власт(Bulgarian)
Canada - Absolute Power
Canada - Pouvoir d'exécuter
Croatia - Neogranicena moc
Czech Republic - Absolutní moc
Denmark - Absolute Power
Ecuador - Absolute Power
Finland - Rajaton valta
Finland - Absolut makt
France - Les pleins pouvoirs
Germany - Absolute Power
Greece - Apolyti dynami
Greece - Απόλυτη δύναμη
Hong Kong - 一級滅口
Hungary - Államérdek
India - Absolute Power
Indonesia - Absolute Power
Italy - Potere assoluto
Japan - Mokugeki
Japan - 目撃
Lithuania - Absoliuti valdžia
Mexico - Poder absoluto
Netherlands - Absolute Power
Norway - All makt
Peru - Poder absoluto
Philippines - Absolute Power
Poland - Władza absolutna
Portugal - Poder Absoluto
Romania - Putere absoluta
Romania - Puterea
Russia - Absolyutnaya vlast'
Russia - Абсолютная власть
Serbia - Apsolutna moć
Singapore - Absolute Power
Slovakia - Absolútna moc
Slovenia - Popolna oblast
South Africa - Absolute Power
Spain - Poder absoluto
Spain - Poder absolut
Sweden - Absolut makt
Taiwan - 一觸即發
Thailand - Absolute Power
Turkey - Mutlak güç
Ukraine - Абсолютна влада
United Kingdom - Absolute Power
United States - Absolute Power
United States - Poder absoluto
Uruguay - Poder absoluto
Vietnam - Quyền Lực Tuyệt Đối
(original title) - Absolute Power
Argentina - Poder absoluto
Australia - Absolute Power
Austria - Absolute Power
Brazil - Poder Absoluto
Bulgaria - Абсолютна власт(Bulgarian)
Canada - Absolute Power
Canada - Pouvoir d'exécuter
Croatia - Neogranicena moc
Czech Republic - Absolutní moc
Denmark - Absolute Power
Ecuador - Absolute Power
Finland - Rajaton valta
Finland - Absolut makt
France - Les pleins pouvoirs
Germany - Absolute Power
Greece - Apolyti dynami
Greece - Απόλυτη δύναμη
Hong Kong - 一級滅口
Hungary - Államérdek
India - Absolute Power
Indonesia - Absolute Power
Italy - Potere assoluto
Japan - Mokugeki
Japan - 目撃
Lithuania - Absoliuti valdžia
Mexico - Poder absoluto
Netherlands - Absolute Power
Norway - All makt
Peru - Poder absoluto
Philippines - Absolute Power
Poland - Władza absolutna
Portugal - Poder Absoluto
Romania - Putere absoluta
Romania - Puterea
Russia - Absolyutnaya vlast'
Russia - Абсолютная власть
Serbia - Apsolutna moć
Singapore - Absolute Power
Slovakia - Absolútna moc
Slovenia - Popolna oblast
South Africa - Absolute Power
Spain - Poder absoluto
Spain - Poder absolut
Sweden - Absolut makt
Taiwan - 一觸即發
Thailand - Absolute Power
Turkey - Mutlak güç
Ukraine - Абсолютна влада
United Kingdom - Absolute Power
United States - Absolute Power
United States - Poder absoluto
Uruguay - Poder absoluto
Vietnam - Quyền Lực Tuyệt Đối
Actors :
Clint Eastwood Luther Whitney
Gene Hackman President Richmond
Ed Harris Seth Frank
Laura Linney Kate Whitney
Scott Glenn Bill Burton
Dennis Haysbert Tim Collin
Judy Davis Gloria Russell
EG Marshall Walter Sullivan
Melora Hardin Christy Sullivan
Kenneth Welsh Sandy Lord (as Ken Welsh)
Penny Johnson Jerald Laura Simon (as Penny Johnson)
Richard Jenkins Michael McCarty
Mark Margolis Red Brandsford
Elaine Kagan Valerie
Alison Eastwood Art Student
Yau-Gene Chan Waiter
George Orrison Airport Bartender
Charles McDaniel Medical Examiner
John Lyle Campbell Repairman
Kimber Eastwood White House Tour Guide
Eric Dahlquist Jr Oval Office Agent
Jack Stewart Taylor Watergate Doorman
Joy Ehrlich Reporter
Robert Harvey Cop
Clint Eastwood Luther Whitney
Gene Hackman President Richmond
Ed Harris Seth Frank
Laura Linney Kate Whitney
Scott Glenn Bill Burton
Dennis Haysbert Tim Collin
Judy Davis Gloria Russell
EG Marshall Walter Sullivan
Melora Hardin Christy Sullivan
Kenneth Welsh Sandy Lord (as Ken Welsh)
Penny Johnson Jerald Laura Simon (as Penny Johnson)
Richard Jenkins Michael McCarty
Mark Margolis Red Brandsford
Elaine Kagan Valerie
Alison Eastwood Art Student
Yau-Gene Chan Waiter
George Orrison Airport Bartender
Charles McDaniel Medical Examiner
John Lyle Campbell Repairman
Kimber Eastwood White House Tour Guide
Eric Dahlquist Jr Oval Office Agent
Jack Stewart Taylor Watergate Doorman
Joy Ehrlich Reporter
Robert Harvey Cop
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