A race of creatures known as the Scythe have become a plague in the universe. Cunning and powerful foes, they possess the ability to transform into anything from which they have consumed DNA. On a mission to stop the plague that her people unleashed, a beautiful alien named Ava has followed the Scythe to Earth.
Meanwhile, six college friends blowing off steam on a camping trip find themselves caught up in a cat and mouse hunt with the Scythe. Not knowing what to do or whom to trust, they struggle to protect themselves and keep it together. Reluctantly joining forces with Ava, they quickly learn what they are up against. Can they defeat the Scythe before it slaughters them one by one?
Meanwhile, six college friends blowing off steam on a camping trip find themselves caught up in a cat and mouse hunt with the Scythe. Not knowing what to do or whom to trust, they struggle to protect themselves and keep it together. Reluctantly joining forces with Ava, they quickly learn what they are up against. Can they defeat the Scythe before it slaughters them one by one?
Original Title : ALIENS VS. AVATARS
Director(s) : Lewis Schoenbrun
Writer(s) : Ted Chalmers (story), , David S Sterling (idea) (as David Sterling), , Keith Parker (screenplay) &, Kenny White (screenplay)
Genre(s) : Horror,Sci-Fi
Length : 1 h 20 minYear : 2011Country : United StatesLangage : EnglishCoulor : ColorUS Release : 2011-09-20Aka(s) :
(original title) - Aliens vs. Avatars
Australia - Aliens vs. Avatars
Germany - Aliens vs. Avatars
India - एलियंस वर्सेस अवतार्स(Hindi)
Italy - Aliens vs. Avatars
Japan - エイリアンVSアバター(Japanese)
Russia - Чужие против аватаров
South Africa - Aliens vs. Avatars
United Kingdom - Aliens vs. Avatars
United States - Aliens vs. Avatars
United States - Alien vs. Alien
United States - AvA
(original title) - Aliens vs. Avatars
Australia - Aliens vs. Avatars
Germany - Aliens vs. Avatars
India - एलियंस वर्सेस अवतार्स(Hindi)
Italy - Aliens vs. Avatars
Japan - エイリアンVSアバター(Japanese)
Russia - Чужие против аватаров
South Africa - Aliens vs. Avatars
United Kingdom - Aliens vs. Avatars
United States - Aliens vs. Avatars
United States - Alien vs. Alien
United States - AvA
Actors :
Jason Lockhart Tyler
Kim Argetsinger Jesse
Cassie Fliegel Ava
Dylan Vox Jake
Marlene Mc'Cohen Tiffany
Georgina Tolentino Crystal
Ginny You Dana
Amanda Chism Sarah
Victoria De Mare Mandy
Adam Graham Robotar
Dan Glenn Ranger
Jason Lockhart Tyler
Kim Argetsinger Jesse
Cassie Fliegel Ava
Dylan Vox Jake
Marlene Mc'Cohen Tiffany
Georgina Tolentino Crystal
Ginny You Dana
Amanda Chism Sarah
Victoria De Mare Mandy
Adam Graham Robotar
Dan Glenn Ranger
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