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Filmography from Ambrogio Molteni

Filmography from : Ambrogio Molteni

Writer :

E html>if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'LoadTitle', {wb: 1}); }window.addEventListener('load', (event) => { if (typeof window.csa !== 'undefined' && typeof window.csa === 'function') { var csaLatencyPlugin = window.csa('Content', { element: { slo, Bitto Albertini (as Albert Thomas), 0
In her first onscreen adventure, journalist/photographer Mae Jordan (known to her readers as "Emanuelle") travels to Africa on assignment. Questions of her own racial and sexual identity come to a head as she observes the troubled marriage of her hosts, Ann and Gianni Danieli. Matters are complicated further when Emanuelle finds herself in affairs with both of them, after which she flees Africa, only to be persued by Gianni, who had earlier...

E html>if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'LoadTitle', {wb: 1}); }window.addEventListener('load', (event) => { if (typeof window.csa !== 'undefined' && typeof window.csa === 'function') { var csaLatencyPlugin = window.csa('Content', { element: { slo, Giuseppe Vari (as Joseph Warren), 0
Renouncing her "sinful" past, Emanuelle has entered a convent and has dedicated herself to a life of service. Enter Monika, the free-spirited, free-loving daughter of a wealthy Baron. Emanuelle is charged with keeping Monika in line, but when the young girl's wild ways bring back memories of her own sensual past, Emanuelle begins questioning her own religious and sexual identity. Advances from an escaped killer who is hiding in the convent serve...

E html>if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'LoadTitle', {wb: 1}); }window.addEventListener('load', (event) => { if (typeof window.csa !== 'undefined' && typeof window.csa === 'function') { var csaLatencyPlugin = window.csa('Content', { element: { slo, Umberto Scarpelli (as R Nichols), 0
20.000 avanti C. Una carovana è diretta a Metropolis per cercare di neutralizzare il folle dittatore per cercare di neutralizzare il folle dittatore Yotar. Obro, abbandonato dagli uomini della carovana, prosegue il cammino con i tre fratelli. Bombardati con una tempesta magnetica, vengono neutralizzati e solo Obro si salva ma viene catturato. Intanto, astronomi e scienziati di corte predicono un grande cataclisma, ma il folle despota continua...

E html>if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'LoadTitle', {wb: 1}); }window.addEventListener('load', (event) => { if (typeof window.csa !== 'undefined' && typeof window.csa === 'function') { var csaLatencyPlugin = window.csa('Content', { element: { slo, Bruno Mattei (as Vincent Dawn), 0
Emanuelle goes undercover into a prison to expose the corrupted officials who are brutalizing the inmates. Emanuelle is shocked by the horrors and humiliation the prisoners are subjected to, but when her true identity is discovered, she finds herself at the receiving end....

Actor :

E html>if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'LoadTitle', {wb: 1}); }window.addEventListener('load', (event) => { if (typeof window.csa !== 'undefined' && typeof window.csa === 'function') { var csaLatencyPlugin = window.csa('Content', { element: { slo, Giuseppe Vari (as Joseph Warren), 0
Renouncing her "sinful" past, Emanuelle has entered a convent and has dedicated herself to a life of service. Enter Monika, the free-spirited, free-loving daughter of a wealthy Baron. Emanuelle is charged with keeping Monika in line, but when the young girl's wild ways bring back memories of her own sensual past, Emanuelle begins questioning her own religious and sexual identity. Advances from an escaped killer who is hiding in the convent serve...