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Filmography from Andrew Lloyd

Filmography from : Andrew Lloyd

Writer :

The Phantom of the Opera, Joel Schumacher, 2004
An architect and designer, a composer and magician. He's a genius who must hide his facial disfigurement behind a mask and in the catacombs beneath Paris's Opera Populaire, known only as the Phantom of the Opera or Opera Ghost. His one companion is his young singing protégé, a soprano named Christine Daae who is drawn to and mystified but at the same time terrified of her Angel of Music whose rapturous voice sings songs in her head while she...

Actor :

The Dead Inside, Andrew Gilbert, 2013
An average day in a quiet suburb becomes ground zero for the end of the world that we knew. When a fast-spreading global pandemic turns ordinary people into flesh-eating monsters, a handful of terrified survivors and the remnants of an army squad find refuge in an elementary school turned emergency shelter. With the hordes of walking dead trying to get in, scarce weapons and a dwindling food supply, the embattled refugees begin to turn on each...