Filmography from : Anna Nightingale
Actor :

We were warned in an ancient Mayan prophecy that the 21st December 2012 would be the beginning of the end, but not how and where this new era would unveil itself. Until now. In December 2011 a strange futuristic-looking artifact was uncovered in an uncharted Mayan temple in Mexico - examination of the artifact revealed binary coded information which appeared to be encoded footage. The content was unlocked by students at Chicago state...

When a young girl [Amber] takes her own life, her friend Archie Eden and seven other London teenagers decide to follow her lead and create a suicide pact, but as the group begins to die one by one, Archie realises they have become the target of a masked killer. The Suicide Kids decide that life is too valuable to throw away, unfortunately the decision is no longer theirs…They’re dying one by one, but who is the killer? Everyone is a...