Original Title : APOCALYPTO
Director(s) : Mel Gibson
Writer(s) : Mel Gibson (written by) &, Farhad Safinia (written by)
Genre(s) : Action,Adventure,Drama
Length : 2 hs 19 minYear : 2006Langage : English (United States)Coulor : ColorRatio : 1.85 : 1French Release : 2007-01-10US Release : 2006-12-08Aka(s) :
(original title) - Apocalypto
Argentina - Apocalypto
Australia - Apocalypto
Belgium - Apocalypto(Flemish)
Belgium - Apocalypto
Brazil - Apocalypto
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Bulgaria - Apokalipto
Bulgaria - Апокалипто
Canada - Apocalypto
Canada - Apocalypto
Chile - Apocalypto
Colombia - Apocalypto
Ecuador - Apocalypto
Egypt - Apocalypto
Finland - Apocalypto
France - Apocalypto
Georgia - Apokalipto
Germany - Apocalypto
Greece - Apocalypto
Hong Kong - Apocalypto
Hungary - Apocalypto
India - Apocalypto
India - Apocalypto
Indonesia - Apocalypto
Ireland - Apocalypto
Israel - Apocalypto
Italy - Apocalypto
Japan - アポカリプト
Latvia - Apokalipto
Lithuania - Apokalipto
Mexico - Apocalypto
Netherlands - Apocalypto
Peru - Apocalypto
Philippines - Apocalypto
Poland - Apocalypto
Portugal - Apocalypto
Romania - Apocalypto
Russia - Apokalipsis
Russia - Апокалипсис
Serbia - Апокалипто
Singapore - Apocalypto
South Africa - Apocalypto
South Korea - Apocalypto
Spain - Apocalypto
Sweden - Apocalypto
Taiwan - 阿波卡獵逃
Thailand - Apocalypto
Turkey - Apokalipto
Turkey - Kıyamet
Ukraine - Апокаліпсис
United Arab Emirates - Apocalypto
United Kingdom - Apocalypto
United States - Apocalypto
United States - Mel Gibson's Apocalypto
United States - Apocalypto
Venezuela - Apocalypto
(original title) - Apocalypto
Argentina - Apocalypto
Australia - Apocalypto
Belgium - Apocalypto(Flemish)
Belgium - Apocalypto
Brazil - Apocalypto
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Bulgaria - Apokalipto
Bulgaria - Апокалипто
Canada - Apocalypto
Canada - Apocalypto
Chile - Apocalypto
Colombia - Apocalypto
Ecuador - Apocalypto
Egypt - Apocalypto
Finland - Apocalypto
France - Apocalypto
Georgia - Apokalipto
Germany - Apocalypto
Greece - Apocalypto
Hong Kong - Apocalypto
Hungary - Apocalypto
India - Apocalypto
India - Apocalypto
Indonesia - Apocalypto
Ireland - Apocalypto
Israel - Apocalypto
Italy - Apocalypto
Japan - アポカリプト
Latvia - Apokalipto
Lithuania - Apokalipto
Mexico - Apocalypto
Netherlands - Apocalypto
Peru - Apocalypto
Philippines - Apocalypto
Poland - Apocalypto
Portugal - Apocalypto
Romania - Apocalypto
Russia - Apokalipsis
Russia - Апокалипсис
Serbia - Апокалипто
Singapore - Apocalypto
South Africa - Apocalypto
South Korea - Apocalypto
Spain - Apocalypto
Sweden - Apocalypto
Taiwan - 阿波卡獵逃
Thailand - Apocalypto
Turkey - Apokalipto
Turkey - Kıyamet
Ukraine - Апокаліпсис
United Arab Emirates - Apocalypto
United Kingdom - Apocalypto
United States - Apocalypto
United States - Mel Gibson's Apocalypto
United States - Apocalypto
Venezuela - Apocalypto
Actors :
Rudy Youngblood Jaguar Paw
Dalia Hernández Seven
Jonathan Brewer Blunted
Morris Birdyellowhead Flint Sky
Carlos Emilio Báez Turtles Run
Amilcar Ramírez Curl Nose
Israel Contreras Smoke Frog
Israel Ríos Cocoa Leaf
Isabel Díaz Mother in Law (as Isabel Diaz)
Espiridion Acosta Cache Old Story Teller
Mayra Serbulo Young Woman
Iazua Larios Sky Flower
Lorena Heranandez Village Girl
Itandehui Gutierrez Wife
Sayuri Gutierrez Eldest Daughter
Hiram Soto Fish Hunter
Pepe Suárez First Temple Sacrifice (as José Suárez)
Raoul Max Trujillo Zero Wolf (as Raoul Trujillo)
Gerardo Taracena Middle Eye
Rodolfo Palacios Snake Ink
Ariel Galvan Hanging Moss
Bernardo Ruiz Drunkards Four
Ricardo Diaz Mendoza Cut Rock
Richard Can Ten Peccary
Carlos Ramos Monkey Jaw
Ammel Rodrigo Mendoza Buzzard Hook
Marco Antonio Argueta Speaking Wind
Javier Escobar Vicious Holcane
Fernando Hernandez High Priest
Maria Isidra Hoil Oracle Girl
Aquetzali García Oracle Girl
Abel Woolrich Laughing Man
Antonio Monroi Chilam (as Antonio Monroy)
Nicolás Jasso Man on Temple Top
Ronaldo Eknal Slave Auctioneer
Miriam Tun Woman Auctioneer
Rafael Velez King
Diana Botello Queen
Joaquin Rendon Head Chac
Mauricio Amuy First Teaser Trailer Mann Running Cameo (uncredited)
Nelly Castillo Jade Woman (uncredited)
Fernando Lara Aztec Warrior (uncredited)
Rudy Youngblood Jaguar Paw
Dalia Hernández Seven
Jonathan Brewer Blunted
Morris Birdyellowhead Flint Sky
Carlos Emilio Báez Turtles Run
Amilcar Ramírez Curl Nose
Israel Contreras Smoke Frog
Israel Ríos Cocoa Leaf
Isabel Díaz Mother in Law (as Isabel Diaz)
Espiridion Acosta Cache Old Story Teller
Mayra Serbulo Young Woman
Iazua Larios Sky Flower
Lorena Heranandez Village Girl
Itandehui Gutierrez Wife
Sayuri Gutierrez Eldest Daughter
Hiram Soto Fish Hunter
Pepe Suárez First Temple Sacrifice (as José Suárez)
Raoul Max Trujillo Zero Wolf (as Raoul Trujillo)
Gerardo Taracena Middle Eye
Rodolfo Palacios Snake Ink
Ariel Galvan Hanging Moss
Bernardo Ruiz Drunkards Four
Ricardo Diaz Mendoza Cut Rock
Richard Can Ten Peccary
Carlos Ramos Monkey Jaw
Ammel Rodrigo Mendoza Buzzard Hook
Marco Antonio Argueta Speaking Wind
Javier Escobar Vicious Holcane
Fernando Hernandez High Priest
Maria Isidra Hoil Oracle Girl
Aquetzali García Oracle Girl
Abel Woolrich Laughing Man
Antonio Monroi Chilam (as Antonio Monroy)
Nicolás Jasso Man on Temple Top
Ronaldo Eknal Slave Auctioneer
Miriam Tun Woman Auctioneer
Rafael Velez King
Diana Botello Queen
Joaquin Rendon Head Chac
Mauricio Amuy First Teaser Trailer Mann Running Cameo (uncredited)
Nelly Castillo Jade Woman (uncredited)
Fernando Lara Aztec Warrior (uncredited)
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