"Bag Boy Lover Boy" follows the lowly life of Albert, an oddball hotdog vendor who is shocked to find himself suddenly becoming the bizarre muse of enigmatic NYC photographer Ivan. But shocks come his way even more so when, amidst his role in Ivan's disturbing photographs for which he poses, Albert finds out just how difficult it is to succeed in the art world, leading him to take some disturbing photographs of his own that suit his very unique - and very limited - skill set.
Original Title : BAG BOY LOVER BOY
Director(s) : Andres Torres
Writer(s) : Toni Comas, Andres Torres
Genre(s) : Comedy,Horror
Length : 1 h 17 minYear : 2014Country : United StatesLangage : EnglishCoulor : ColorRatio : 16:9 HDFrench Release : 2014-11-20US Release : 2015-11-01Aka(s) :
(original title) - Bag Boy Lover Boy
Australia - Bag Boy Lover Boy
Canada - Bag Boy Lover Boy
Canada - Bag Boy Lover Boy
India - Bag Boy Lover Boy
Iran - Pesar e Moshammayi(Persian)
United Kingdom - Bag Boy Lover Boy
United States - Bag Boy Lover Boy
(original title) - Bag Boy Lover Boy
Australia - Bag Boy Lover Boy
Canada - Bag Boy Lover Boy
Canada - Bag Boy Lover Boy
India - Bag Boy Lover Boy
Iran - Pesar e Moshammayi(Persian)
United Kingdom - Bag Boy Lover Boy
United States - Bag Boy Lover Boy
Actors :
Theodore Bouloukos Ivan
Jon Wachter Albert
Kathy Biehl Jackie
Karah Serine Nancy (as Kara Peterson)
Adrienne Gori Lexy
Tina Tanzer Sarah
Marseille Morillo Pig Model
Teena Byrd Prostitute
Sarah O'Sullivan Drunk Girl
Saoko Okano Miyuki
James Elwood Officer Rhodes
Norman Outlaw Officer Timmons
Peter Trojgaard Camera Shop Employee
Ryan Preimesberger Drunk Customer
Amanda Charles Drunk Customer's Girlfriend
Carlos Garcia Photographer (Customer)
Richard Meiman Businessman (Customer) (as Rich Meiman)
Danielle Joy Tourist #1
Helene Eidsvåg Tourist #2 (as Helene Eidsvag)
G Paul Salvetti Radio Announcer
Theodore Bouloukos Ivan
Jon Wachter Albert
Kathy Biehl Jackie
Karah Serine Nancy (as Kara Peterson)
Adrienne Gori Lexy
Tina Tanzer Sarah
Marseille Morillo Pig Model
Teena Byrd Prostitute
Sarah O'Sullivan Drunk Girl
Saoko Okano Miyuki
James Elwood Officer Rhodes
Norman Outlaw Officer Timmons
Peter Trojgaard Camera Shop Employee
Ryan Preimesberger Drunk Customer
Amanda Charles Drunk Customer's Girlfriend
Carlos Garcia Photographer (Customer)
Richard Meiman Businessman (Customer) (as Rich Meiman)
Danielle Joy Tourist #1
Helene Eidsvåg Tourist #2 (as Helene Eidsvag)
G Paul Salvetti Radio Announcer
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