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Filmography from Barton Maclane

Filmography from : Barton Maclane

Actor :

Treasure of Ruby Hills, Frank McDonald, 1955
Cattle ranchers "Chalk" Reynolds and Walt Payne have driven most of the small ranchers from the government range in the Ruby Hills country, and are fighting between them to get sole control. Reynold's chief gunman is Frank Emmett and Payne's hired gun is Jack Voyle, and both are described as ruthless killers. Into the valley rides Ross Haney who has just bought the water rights to the range, a legal step that Reynolds and Payne over-looked....

Unknown Island, Jack Bernhard, 1948
Adventure-seeker Ted Osborne has convinced his finacee Carole to finance his expedition to an uncharted South Pacific island supposedly populated with dinosaurs. Piloting their ship is Captain Tarnowski, a ruthless alcoholic suffering from malaria- induced bouts of insanity. When they arrive at the island, they discover that the stories they have heard are all true. Will they survive to tell anyone what they've found?...

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Victor Fleming, 1941
Dr. Jekyll believes good and evil exist in everyone. Experiments reveal his evil side, named Hyde. Experience teaches him how evil Hyde can be: he kills Ivy who earlier expressed interest in Jekyll and Sir Charles, Jekyll's faincee's father. ...