Based on the acclaimed play by Nicholas Kazan and directed by Kenneth Kokin (producer/second unit director: The Usual Suspects and The Way of the Gun), is a story that takes place in two time periods. Gregory delivers his beautiful 19-year-old niece to his friend Alan. Alan, who sees sex is a sport, takes advantage. A year later the young woman, Manya, gets her delicious revenge...on them both. Wicked wit and Greek Electra is born.
Original Title : BLOOD MOON
Director(s) : Kenneth Kokin
Writer(s) : Nicholas Kazan (writer)
Genre(s) : Thriller
Length : 1 h 13 minYear : 2016Country : United StatesLangage : EnglishCoulor : ColorUS Release : 2016-07-26Aka(s) :
(original title) - Blood Moon
Australia - Blood Moon
United Kingdom - Blood Moon
United States - Blood Moon
Australia - Blood Moon
United Kingdom - Blood Moon
United States - Blood Moon
(original title) - Blood Moon
Australia - Blood Moon
United Kingdom - Blood Moon
United States - Blood Moon
Australia - Blood Moon
United Kingdom - Blood Moon
United States - Blood Moon
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