A Legacy of Evil tells the shocking true story of Ted Bundy (Corin Nemec) who murdered numerous young women between 1974 and 1978. A graduate in psychology, who was also involved in politics and law, he used his charm, good looks and intelligence to coerce women into his VW Bug before bludgeoning them to death.
He escaped from prison twice before his final apprehension in February 1978. After more than a decade of vigorous denials, he eventually confessed to 30 murders, although the actual total of victims remains unknown. Estimates range from 29 to over 100, the general estimate being 35. Ted Bundy proved to be one of the most dangerous and notorious serial killers in the history of America before being convicted and sent to the electric chair in 1989.
He escaped from prison twice before his final apprehension in February 1978. After more than a decade of vigorous denials, he eventually confessed to 30 murders, although the actual total of victims remains unknown. Estimates range from 29 to over 100, the general estimate being 35. Ted Bundy proved to be one of the most dangerous and notorious serial killers in the history of America before being convicted and sent to the electric chair in 1989.
Director(s) : Michael Feifer
Writer(s) : Michael Feifer
Genre(s) : Crime,Drama,Horror
Length : 1 h 36 minCountry : United StatesLangage : EnglishCoulor : ColorRatio : 1.85 : 1US Release : 2009-07-21Aka(s) :
(original title) - Bundy: An American Icon
Australia - Bundy: A Legacy of Evil
France - Bundy: L'esprit du mal
Germany - Der Fall Ted Bundy - Serienkiller
Germany - Der Fall: Ted Bundy - Serienkiller(DVD box title)
Hong Kong - Bundy: A Legacy of Evil(English, DVD Title)
Italy - Bundy
Portugal - Bundy: Um Rasto de Morte
Russia - Адское наследие
United Kingdom - Bundy Legacy of Evil
United States - Bundy: A Legacy of Evil
United States - Bundy
(original title) - Bundy: An American Icon
Australia - Bundy: A Legacy of Evil
France - Bundy: L'esprit du mal
Germany - Der Fall Ted Bundy - Serienkiller
Germany - Der Fall: Ted Bundy - Serienkiller(DVD box title)
Hong Kong - Bundy: A Legacy of Evil(English, DVD Title)
Italy - Bundy
Portugal - Bundy: Um Rasto de Morte
Russia - Адское наследие
United Kingdom - Bundy Legacy of Evil
United States - Bundy: A Legacy of Evil
United States - Bundy
Actors :
Corin Nemec Ted Bundy
Kane Hodder Warden
Jen Nikolaisen Stephanie
Shannon Pierce Wilkins Mrs Bundy
David DeLuise Detective Jennings
Sam Kindseth 8 Year Old Ted
Timothy Oman Mr Cowell (as Tim Oman)
Deborah Collins Mrs Cowell
Nino Simone Mr Bundy
Bill Jacobson Judge
Caia Coley DA Joiner
Ian Boyd Assistant DA
Kevin Linell Correctional Officer
Chuck Olivares Correctional Officer
Stephen R Ohab Execution Doctor
Terry Kuchta Jail Administrator
Jay Pickett Ross Davis
Brock Burnett Colorado Patrolman
Cameo Cara Martine Campaign Staffer #1 (as Cameo Martine)
Michael Healey Campaign Staffer #2 (as Kenneth Michael Healey)
Judi Beecher Campaign Staffer #3
James A Seale Campaign Staffer #4 (as James Seale)
Rachel Hill Campaign Staffer #5 /Sleeping Sorority Girl #2
Samm Enman City Records Administrator
America Young Gloria
Molly Fix Lynda
Lucy Treadway Joanie
Kristen Clement Cheryl
Alyson Andrews Janice (as Alyson Hope)
Rachael Kollman Carol
Fay Baldwin Elizabeth
Megan Kapun Hitchhiker
Daniel Tostenson Reporter David Stevens
Denver Dowridge Courthouse News Reporter
Evan Martinez News Reporter
Eliza Swords News Reporter
Jennifer Sullivan News Reporter (as Sullivan Kiley)
Daniel Bonjour Waiter
Angela Padilla Molly
Scott Lilly Suicide Caller
Alicia Joy Rydings Student in Hall
Janae Murray Sleeping Sorority Girl #1
Kristen DeLuca Crying Sorority Sister (as Kristen De Luca)
Liana Bryer Suicide Hotline Counselor (uncredited)
Corin Nemec Ted Bundy
Kane Hodder Warden
Jen Nikolaisen Stephanie
Shannon Pierce Wilkins Mrs Bundy
David DeLuise Detective Jennings
Sam Kindseth 8 Year Old Ted
Timothy Oman Mr Cowell (as Tim Oman)
Deborah Collins Mrs Cowell
Nino Simone Mr Bundy
Bill Jacobson Judge
Caia Coley DA Joiner
Ian Boyd Assistant DA
Kevin Linell Correctional Officer
Chuck Olivares Correctional Officer
Stephen R Ohab Execution Doctor
Terry Kuchta Jail Administrator
Jay Pickett Ross Davis
Brock Burnett Colorado Patrolman
Cameo Cara Martine Campaign Staffer #1 (as Cameo Martine)
Michael Healey Campaign Staffer #2 (as Kenneth Michael Healey)
Judi Beecher Campaign Staffer #3
James A Seale Campaign Staffer #4 (as James Seale)
Rachel Hill Campaign Staffer #5 /Sleeping Sorority Girl #2
Samm Enman City Records Administrator
America Young Gloria
Molly Fix Lynda
Lucy Treadway Joanie
Kristen Clement Cheryl
Alyson Andrews Janice (as Alyson Hope)
Rachael Kollman Carol
Fay Baldwin Elizabeth
Megan Kapun Hitchhiker
Daniel Tostenson Reporter David Stevens
Denver Dowridge Courthouse News Reporter
Evan Martinez News Reporter
Eliza Swords News Reporter
Jennifer Sullivan News Reporter (as Sullivan Kiley)
Daniel Bonjour Waiter
Angela Padilla Molly
Scott Lilly Suicide Caller
Alicia Joy Rydings Student in Hall
Janae Murray Sleeping Sorority Girl #1
Kristen DeLuca Crying Sorority Sister (as Kristen De Luca)
Liana Bryer Suicide Hotline Counselor (uncredited)
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