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Cannibal Holocaust


The director Alan Yates and his crew, formed by Faye Daniels, Jack Anders and Mark Tomaso, head to a rain forest in Amazonas called Green Inferno to shoot a documentary about the primitive tribes of cannibals that live in the area. They vanish and the American anthropologist Professor Harold Monroe travels to the area with the experienced guide Chaco Losojos and his assistant Miguel to seek the team out. The trio is received first by the Yacumo tribe of warriors and then they approach to the wild Yamamomo that is in a permanent war against the Shamatari. They find the remains of the documentary team and their reels, and they successfully negotiate with the savages. Back in New York, Professor Monroe watches the disturbing footage and discovers the fate of the team.

Director(s) :
Writer(s) :
Genre(s) : Adventure,Horror
Length : 1 h 35 minYear : 1980Country : ItalyRatio : 1.85 : 1French Release : 2015-04-01US Release : 2001-06-29
Aka(s) :
(original title) - Cannibal Holocaust
Argentina - Canibal holocausto
Australia - Cannibal Holocaust
Brazil - Canibal Holocausto(Festival Title)
Brazil - Holocausto Canibal
Bulgaria - Канибалска гибел(Bulgarian)
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Canada - Cannibal Holocaust
Canada - L'enfer des cannibales
Chile - Holocausto caníbal
China - 亚马逊食人族
China - 人食人实录
China - 极度恐慌
China - 残酷食人族
China - 食人族大屠杀
Czech Republic - Kanibalové
Denmark - Kannibalmassakren
Ecuador - Cannibal Holocaust
Egypt - Cannibal Holocaust
Finland - Kannibaalien polttouhrit
France - Cannibal Holocaust
France - Terreur en Amazonie
Germany - Nackt und zerfleischt
Greece - To olokaftoma ton kannivalon
Greece - Το ολοκαύτωμα των κανίβαλων
Hong Kong - Cannibal Holocaust
Hungary - Cannibal Holocaust
India - Cannibal Holocaust
India - Cannibal Holocaust
Indonesia - Cannibal Holocaust
Israel - Cannibal Holocaust
Italy - Cannibal Holocaust
Japan - Shokujinzoku
Japan - 食人族
Lithuania - Kanibalų holokaustas
Mexico - En el infierno caníbal
Netherlands - Cannibal Holocaust
Norway - Cannibal Holocaust
Peru - Canibal Holocausto
Philippines - Cannibal Holocaust
Poland - Nadzy i rozszarpani
Portugal - Holocausto Canibal
Serbia - Холокауст људождера
Singapore - Cannibal Holocaust
South Africa - Cannibal Holocaust
South Korea - Holocaust
Soviet Union - Ад каннибалов
Spain - Holocausto caníbal
Sweden - Cannibal holocaust
Taiwan - 食人族大屠殺
Thailand - Cannibal Holocaust
Turkey - Cannibal Holocaust
Ukraine - Пекло канібалів
United Kingdom - Cannibal Holocaust
United States - Cannibal Holocaust
United States - Ruggero Deodato's Cannibal Holocaust
United States - En el infierno caníbal
Actors :
Professor Harold Monroe
Faye Daniels
Jack Anders
Mark Tomaso (as Luca Giorgio Barbareschi)

Alan Yates (as Gabriel Yorke)
3rd Executive
2nd Executive (as Pio Di Savoia)

Adulteress (uncredited)
Man Sitting in NYU Campus (uncredited)
Felipe Ocaña (uncredited)
Pantheon Interviewer (uncredited)
Alan's Father (uncredited)
1st Executive (uncredited)
Cannibal Holocaust

Be careful, every litigious comments will be deleted.
give me a fok - /07/26 at 17:54
# 5

whai dos anybody give me a fok!? Blease give me a fok !

His rating: 1/10
walk - /03/29 at 22:09
# 4

it doesn"t get any better than this.everything else is a rip off.

His rating: 10/10
milton - /02/10 at 09:10
# 3

i like this kind of film very much .so i need more movies

gore_candy - /03/04 at 09:58
# 2

i'm glad other people agree that cannibal holocaust is the goriest thing they've seen in fiction.
i woke up with a hang over to the scene of the girl tied to the stake being bashed to death and screaming like a pig, i love gore, but i was apalled!!
if anyone knows anymore movies close to this kind, would you like to email me at touch_my_nipples@hotmail.com?? (my dogs name is nipples)

His rating: 10/10
Lee PAge - /07/25 at 15:12
# 1

Love it cannibals, island, dead people and GORE cant beat it but a modern day remake like in a city would be good

His rating: 9/10
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