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Cinema Epoch acquires APSK!


Cinema Epoch acquires APSK!

Cinema Epoch acquires APSK The shocking debut feature, “Amateur Porn Star Killer”, by Shane Ryan, has just been acquired by Cinema Epoch and Koch Entertainment, due in stores November 6, 2007.
The filmmakers are planning on some midnight shows in Los Angeles in late August.

The DVD will include filmmaker/actor interviews, a “crime scene drive thru”, trailers, DVD notes, and five short films by Shane Ryan, including the award-winning “So, We Killed Our Parents” and the sexploitation black & white short “The Cold Heat.”

“Amateur Porn Star Killer” was shot at the end of 2004 and completed post-production in early 2005. At the beginning of 2006 the film was slightly re-cut and instantly starting making an impact in the underground world of horror.

Film Threat called the film “very realistic and utterly unforgettable”. Pretty Scary called it “unsettling, and downright mesmerizing”. Joe Horror says “this is one dark and thoroughly disturbing movie.” Sex Gore Mutants claims it's “a malevolent classic” and MoviesMadeMe.com says it‘s “a vile piece of cinema that will make your skin craw”. PollyStaffle.com went as far as to say the film “is so close to being a masterpiece” and gave it a Polished Apple Award for Best Use of Sex/Nudity in a movie (“The Brown Bunny” won the year before. Both are notorious for their explicit sex and blow job scenes).

Some places questioned whether the film would be better as a PSA. “I think it would be a very good film to show to younger girls who tend to be so trusting in everyone around them...a film like this could serve up a shocking lesson” says Lethal Death. Cinema Crazed said the film “is not your typical thriller; it works outside of conventions of its own mockumentary sub-genre, and tests the audience consistently...I simply love this film”.

Even critics who didn't love the film still had many kind words. Horror Society says “I take my hat off to Shane for having the balls (if no budget whatsoever) to go out there and make such a movie.” Haro Online says “Shane Ryan is not interested in titillating his viewer. He wants to creep you out, and for most of the movie, he succeeds.” Bums Corner says it's “definitely an unforgettable work by a talented filmmaker.” And HorrorWatch called it “a seriously dark, ultra-gritty flick that should not be confused with porn in any way.”

The movie, which is about a snuff film in the making, had a budget of just $45 (as far as records indicate, this is the cheapest film ever made to receive national distribution).
For more info on the film and trailer, visit www.alteregocinema.com
Cinema Epoch www.cinemaepoch.com
Koch Entertainment www.kochdistribution.com

Source : Alter Ego Cinema

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