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John Constantine is approached by Det. Angela Dodson who needs his help to prove that her twin sister Isabel's death was not a suicide. The dead woman was a devout Catholic and Angela refuses to accept that she would have taken her own life. She's asked Constantine for help because he has a reputation for dealing with the mystical. In fact, he is a demon hunter whose sole purpose on Earth is to send demons back to the nether regions. John himself has been to Hell - as a young man he too committed suicide and now knows that he is destined to return there on his death - but hopes that his good deeds may somehow find him a place in Heaven. As he looks into Isabel's death, he realizes that demons are trying to break through to the human world and his battles lead him into a direct conflict with Satan.

Original Title : CONSTANTINE
Director(s) :
Writer(s) :
Genre(s) : Action,Fantasy,Horror
Length : 2 hs 1 minuteYear : 2005Langage : English (United States)Coulor : ColorRatio : 2.39 : 1French Release : 2005-02-16US Release : 2005-02-18
Aka(s) :
(original title) - Constantine
Argentina - Constantine
Australia - Constantine
Brazil - Constantine
Bulgaria - Константин(Bulgarian)
Canada - Constantine
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Canada - Constantine
China - 地狱神探
China - 康斯坦丁
Croatia - Constantine
Czech Republic - Constantine
Czech Republic - Konstantin
Ecuador - Constantine
Egypt - Constantine
Finland - Constantine
Finland - Constantine
France - Constantine
Germany - Constantine
Greece - Constantine
Hong Kong - Constantine
Hungary - Constantine - A démonvadász
India - Constantine
India - Constantine
India - कोंस्टेनटाइन
Indonesia - Constantine
Israel - Constantine
Italy - Constantine
Japan - コンスタンティン
Kazakhstan - Константин: Повелитель тьмы
Latvia - Konstantīns
Lithuania - Konstantinas
Mexico - Constantine
Netherlands - Constantine
North Macedonia - Константин
Philippines - Constantine
Poland - Constantine
Portugal - Constantine
Romania - Constantin
Russia - Константин
Russia - Константин: Повелитель тьмы
Serbia - Константин
Singapore - Constantine
Slovakia - Constantine
Slovakia - Konštantín
South Africa - Constantine
South Korea - 콘스탄틴
Spain - Constantine
Spain - Constantine
Sweden - Constantine
Taiwan - 康斯坦汀:驅魔神探
Thailand - Constantine
Turkey - Constantine
Ukraine - Константин
Ukraine - Константин: Володар темряви
United Kingdom - Constantine
United States - Constantine
Actors :
John Constantine
Angela Dodson /Isabel Dodson
Father Hennessy
Detective Weiss (as Jose Zuniga)
Father Garret
Vermin Man
Dr Archer
Possessed Girl
Old Woman
Church Attendant
Midnite Bouncer
10 Year-Old Constantine
Old Woman on Bus
Molly's Server
Teenage Constantine
Morgue Security Guard
Liquor Store Clerk Nico
Scavenger #2
Old Woman on Bus (Demon)
Korean Man
Female Tenant
Liquor Store Clerk
Smoking Man
Police Officer
Border Partrol (uncredited)
Angel (uncredited)
Locsam Ramos (uncredited)
Angel (uncredited)
Zombie (uncredited)
Demon (uncredited)
Hospital Half Breed - Demon (uncredited)
Angel in Nightclub (uncredited)
Club Patron (uncredited)
Male Tenant (uncredited)
Onlooker (uncredited)
Demon (uncredited)
Demon - Nightclub (uncredited)
Demon (uncredited)
Demon (uncredited)
Bar Boy (uncredited)
Ellie (uncredited)
Tenant (uncredited)
Club Dancer (uncredited)
Bidkar Ramos (uncredited)
Man in Jeep (uncredited)
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
Angel (uncredited)
Dancer (uncredited)
Hospital Worker (uncredited)
Precision Driver (uncredited)
Demon in Hospital (uncredited)
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)

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