Phase II follows the story of Samantha as she suffers from a mysterious and degenerative disease. Picking up directly where the previous film left off, Phase II follows Riley, one of the last people to come in contact with Samantha, as he scrambles to track down those responsible for the outbreak before the highly contagious disease not only consumes his body, but the world as we know it
Director(s) : Josh Forbes
Writer(s) : Craig Walendziak (written by)
Genre(s) : Drama,Horror,Thriller
Length : 1 h 18 minYear : 2015Country : United StatesLangage : EnglishCoulor : ColorRatio : 2.35 : 1French Release : 2015-11-05US Release : 2015-09-04Aka(s) :
(original title) - Contracted: Phase II
Australia - Contracted: Phase II
Canada - Contracted: Phase II
Canada - Contagion Létale 2
Croatia - Zaraza: Druga faza
France - Contracted: Phase II
(original title) - Contracted: Phase II
Australia - Contracted: Phase II
Canada - Contracted: Phase II
Canada - Contagion Létale 2
Croatia - Zaraza: Druga faza
France - Contracted: Phase II
Actors :
Matt Mercer Riley
Marianna Palka Crystal Young
Morgan Peter Brown BJ
Anna Lore Harper
Laurel Vail Brenda
Peter Cilella James
John Ennis Special Agent Dalton
Najarra Townsend Samantha
Richard Riehle Deuce Gelman
Suzanne Voss Margie
Charley Koontz Zain
Alice Macdonald Alice Patrick (archive footage)
Ruben Pla Doctor
Caroline Williams Sam's Mom (archive footage)
Joanna Sotomura Debbie
Justin Benson Handsome Officer
Aaron Moorhead Less Handsome Officer
Dayna Schaaf Nurse (as Dayna Stephens)
Josh Edmondson Bio Doctor
Clay Keller Officer Homestead
Ossey James Officer Permit
Jeffrey Reddick Teacher
Ben Wise Dewey
Ben Peyser My Friend
Ryan Ridley Man Who Was Cut
Noah Dorsey EMT
Zach Zorba Grashin Assistant Doctor (as Zachary Grashin)
Charity Daw Assistant Nurse
Whitney Moore Hooker
Adam Robitel Swat Man #1
Nic Birdsall Swat Man #2
Avi Hollander Sickly Sweaty Man
Rafi Margoles Russian Ronny
Jordan Fishpitz Pishaholic
Sam Landau Ugly Student
Roderick Griffin Ricky
Josh Fadem Mormon #1
Elisha Yaffe Mormon #2
Jennifer Ceci Newscaster
Renne Araujo Luis (uncredited)
Stacy Burcham Detective (uncredited)
Shawn Dawes Wake Attendee (uncredited)
Sonny Kent Student (uncredited)
Ramiro Quezada Bartender (uncredited)
Yvette Soledad Bianca (uncredited)
August Trometer Bar Patron (uncredited)
Matt Mercer Riley
Marianna Palka Crystal Young
Morgan Peter Brown BJ
Anna Lore Harper
Laurel Vail Brenda
Peter Cilella James
John Ennis Special Agent Dalton
Najarra Townsend Samantha
Richard Riehle Deuce Gelman
Suzanne Voss Margie
Charley Koontz Zain
Alice Macdonald Alice Patrick (archive footage)
Ruben Pla Doctor
Caroline Williams Sam's Mom (archive footage)
Joanna Sotomura Debbie
Justin Benson Handsome Officer
Aaron Moorhead Less Handsome Officer
Dayna Schaaf Nurse (as Dayna Stephens)
Josh Edmondson Bio Doctor
Clay Keller Officer Homestead
Ossey James Officer Permit
Jeffrey Reddick Teacher
Ben Wise Dewey
Ben Peyser My Friend
Ryan Ridley Man Who Was Cut
Noah Dorsey EMT
Zach Zorba Grashin Assistant Doctor (as Zachary Grashin)
Charity Daw Assistant Nurse
Whitney Moore Hooker
Adam Robitel Swat Man #1
Nic Birdsall Swat Man #2
Avi Hollander Sickly Sweaty Man
Rafi Margoles Russian Ronny
Jordan Fishpitz Pishaholic
Sam Landau Ugly Student
Roderick Griffin Ricky
Josh Fadem Mormon #1
Elisha Yaffe Mormon #2
Jennifer Ceci Newscaster
Renne Araujo Luis (uncredited)
Stacy Burcham Detective (uncredited)
Shawn Dawes Wake Attendee (uncredited)
Sonny Kent Student (uncredited)
Ramiro Quezada Bartender (uncredited)
Yvette Soledad Bianca (uncredited)
August Trometer Bar Patron (uncredited)
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