Filmography from : David Backus
Actor :

Set in a world ravaged by centuries of war between man and vampires, Paul Bettany is Priest, a legendary warrior priest during the last Vampire War, who now lives in obscurity among the other human inhabitants in walled-in dystopian cities controlled by the Church. But when his 18-year-old niece is abducted by a murderous pack of vampires in the desolate wastelands outside, Priest breaks his sacred vows and ventures out to find her and seek...

The intense story of a brother and his younger sister who witness their parents' violent murder at a very young age. The girl, Audrey, is adopted by a loving single father, while her brother, Marcus, is left to languish in an orphanage where he is abused. Reflecting the violence he experienced at such a young age, Marcus becomes a monster and has to be institutionalized. He waits patiently for the chance to escape, and when he does, he seeks...

Peter Parker has finally managed to strike a balance between his devotion to M.J. and his duties as a superhero. But there is a storm brewing on the horizon. When his suit suddenly changes, turning jet-black and enhancing his powers, it transforms Peter as well, bringing out the dark, vengeful side of his personality that he is struggling to control. Under the influence of the suit, Peter becomes overconfident and starts to neglect the people...
