Filmography from : David Fine
Actor :

While searching for Nazi documents in an Austrian farmhouse, a team of experts uncovers a hidden secret buried in its bowels. American expatriate Gunner S. Holbrook becomes obsessed with solving the mystery, and as his sanity wanes, he must confront an insatiable evil. Can he find redemption before it drains the life out of him?...

A young wife and mother of two children is challenged to overcome her passive beliefs on religion after a serious car accident. Receiving haunting images of her past she is forced to make a decision that will decide her fate. Searching for the true meaning of our existence she comes to the end of her journey and believes she has only two choices in the eyes of God; do not have faith and die or have faith and....die....

The film follows formerly acquitted and rehabilitated criminal Dr. Andrew Casey (David Fine), who relocates to Los Angeles under the alias Jack Conway, aka 'The Chef'. Conway and his butler, Mr. Peeples (Mike Iorio), establish a respected soup kitchen/charity, 'The Help Feeding Foundation', which lures the likes of actresses and models under false pretense. The women are in fact obtained to satisfy Casey/Conway's culinary tastes. He handpicks...

Brace yourself for an unrelenting new horror classic that’s scary, rough, and willing to break all the rules! Your life will never be the same when you meet THE VIOLENT KIND, a ruthless pack of unstoppable psychopaths terrorizing the wilds of Northern California. Now they have their eyes on young Cody, the member of a notorious biker gang whose ex-girlfriend, Michelle (scream queen Tiffany Shepis), turns up hysterical, drenched in blood… and...

"A vast salvage yard, lies nestled in the woods, on the edge of a Mid-Western town. Owned and operated by a pair of sadistic, murderous brothers, the yard is a place of death and unimaginable horror. At night, the salvage yard is watched over, not by canines of the four-legged breed, but by "Dog", the owners' tormented younger brother. Warped by years of abuse at the hands of his brothers, horribly deformed by generations of in-breeding, the...

Kenny Crawford arrives in Dunwich after hearing that his brother Andrew has been admitted to a psychiatric ward, and is suspected in a string of disappearances in the town. With the help of local reporter Marsha Calloway and the eccentric Upton Armitage he probes the last few weeks of his brother's life. As they do so, they uncover evidence of a plot in the works revolving around Andrew, his girlfriend Nikki Hartwell and her twisted friend Otto...

Finals at the prestigious University of Dreyskill are finally over and it's time to party. "The Crew", as they are known by their peers and dorm mates, are invited to a rich classmate's hideaway mansion high up in the hills of Colorado. What was supposed to be a weekend of fun and relaxation quickly becomes a trip they will never forget... If they survive! A simple game of prank scare phone calls becomes an intense game of survival and escape...
Bacterium, Brett Piper, 2006
When a handful of friends stumble upon the abandoned building, they come face to face with a biological weapons experiment gone catastrophically wrong. They also confront a maniacal scientist who predicts life on Earth will end in 48 hours if the accelerated bacterial mutation cannot be halted. As the virulent, flesh-hungry contagion spreads from person to person, rendering each host into a pile of infectious ooze, it begins to multiply and...
Shock-O-Rama, Brett Piper, 0
Shock-O-Rama features three low-budget horror tales revolving around a B-movie actress. In 'Zombie This' erotic scream queen Rebecca Raven is through with the typecast exploitation acting roles she gets and takes a vacation getaway to a remote house where she accidentally unearths a zombie whom targets her. Back at the studios, her sleazy producer looks over two other horror films Rebecca was to appear in. In 'Mecharachnia' a hapless, deadbeat...
TITanic 2000: Vampire of the Titanic, John Paul Fedele (as John P Fedele), 0
