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David R. Ellis to direct "HUMPTY DUMPTY" in 3-D

By Oh My Gore ! on May 2, 2009

David R. Ellis to direct "HUMPTY DUMPTY" in 3-D

After completing the reshoots on "FINAL DESTINATION: DEATH TRIP 3D", David R. Ellis will be getting behind the camera for another 3-dimensional pic, this time for a sci-fi horror pic by the name of "HUMPTY DUMPTY".
The 3-D sci-fi horror pic is about a half-human, half-alien creature who embarks on a murderous rampage after his alien mother is abused by two rednecks in the Deep South. Billy Majestic is writing the script.
Ellis also directed "SNAKES ON A PLANE", "FINAL DESTINATION 2" and "CELLULAR" for New Line Cinema.

Source : Bloody-disgusting.com / Oh My Gore !

Be careful, every litigious comments will be deleted.
Horrorfan33 - /12/07 at 06:59
# 1

Hey I saw the Humpty Dumpty website has launched. Looks like it's going to be sweet!
Check it out.


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