A businessman sinks $200 million into a special project to help fight brain cancer. As part of this project, medical biologist Susan McAlester rather naughtily figures out a way to genetically enlarge shark brains, so that cancer-battling enzymes can be harvested. However, the shark subjects become super smart and decide they don't much like being cooped up in pens and being stabbed with hypodermics, so they figure a way to break out and make for the open sea...
Original Title : DEEP BLUE SEA
Director(s) : Renny Harlin
Writer(s) : Duncan Kennedy (written by) and, Donna Powers (written by) &, Wayne Powers (written by)
Genre(s) : Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi
Length : 1 h 45 minYear : 1999Langage : English (United States)Coulor : ColorRatio : 2.39 : 1US Release : 1999-07-28Aka(s) :
(original title) - Deep Blue Sea
Argentina - Alerta en lo profundo
Australia - Deep Blue Sea
Azerbaijan - Dərin mavi dəniz
Brazil - Do Fundo do Mar
Bulgaria - Синята бездна(Bulgarian)
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if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentIMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our dataLearn more about contributing
Canada - Deep Blue Sea
Canada - Terreur sous la mer
Chile - Deep Blue Sea
China - 水深火热
China - 深海变种
China - 深海恶鲨
China - 深海狂鲨
China - 深蓝的海洋
Croatia - Duboko modro more
Czech Republic - Útok z hlubin
Denmark - Deep Blue Sea
Ecuador - Deep Blue Sea
Egypt - Deep Blue Sea
Estonia - Sügav sinine meri
Finland - Deep Blue Sea
France - Peur bleue
Germany - Deep Blue Sea
Greece - Vathia agria thalassa
Greece - Βαθιά άγρια θάλασσα
Hong Kong - Deep Blue Sea
Hungary - Háborgó mélység
India - Sea of Death
India - मौत का समुंदर
Indonesia - Deep Blue Sea
Israel - Deep Blue Sea
Italy - Blu profondo
Japan - Deep Blue
Japan - ディープ・ブルー
Kazakhstan - Терең көк теңіз
Kazakhstan - Глубокое синее море
Lithuania - Gili žydra jura
Mexico - Alerta en lo profundo
Netherlands - Deep Blue Sea
Pakistan - Deep Blue Sea
Philippines - Deep Blue Sea
Poland - Piekielna głębia
Portugal - Perigo no Oceano
Romania - Rechinii ucigasi
Russia - Глубокое синее море
Serbia - Дубоко плаво море
Singapore - Deep Blue Sea
Slovakia - Zradná hlbočina
South Africa - Deep Blue Sea
Spain - Deep Blue Sea
Sweden - Deep Blue Sea
Taiwan - 水深火熱
Thailand - Deep Blue Sea
Turkey - Mavi Korku
Ukraine - Глибоке синє море
United Arab Emirates - بحر أزرق عميق
(original title) - Deep Blue Sea
Argentina - Alerta en lo profundo
Australia - Deep Blue Sea
Azerbaijan - Dərin mavi dəniz
Brazil - Do Fundo do Mar
Bulgaria - Синята бездна(Bulgarian)
50 more
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentIMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our dataLearn more about contributing
Canada - Deep Blue Sea
Canada - Terreur sous la mer
Chile - Deep Blue Sea
China - 水深火热
China - 深海变种
China - 深海恶鲨
China - 深海狂鲨
China - 深蓝的海洋
Croatia - Duboko modro more
Czech Republic - Útok z hlubin
Denmark - Deep Blue Sea
Ecuador - Deep Blue Sea
Egypt - Deep Blue Sea
Estonia - Sügav sinine meri
Finland - Deep Blue Sea
France - Peur bleue
Germany - Deep Blue Sea
Greece - Vathia agria thalassa
Greece - Βαθιά άγρια θάλασσα
Hong Kong - Deep Blue Sea
Hungary - Háborgó mélység
India - Sea of Death
India - मौत का समुंदर
Indonesia - Deep Blue Sea
Israel - Deep Blue Sea
Italy - Blu profondo
Japan - Deep Blue
Japan - ディープ・ブルー
Kazakhstan - Терең көк теңіз
Kazakhstan - Глубокое синее море
Lithuania - Gili žydra jura
Mexico - Alerta en lo profundo
Netherlands - Deep Blue Sea
Pakistan - Deep Blue Sea
Philippines - Deep Blue Sea
Poland - Piekielna głębia
Portugal - Perigo no Oceano
Romania - Rechinii ucigasi
Russia - Глубокое синее море
Serbia - Дубоко плаво море
Singapore - Deep Blue Sea
Slovakia - Zradná hlbočina
South Africa - Deep Blue Sea
Spain - Deep Blue Sea
Sweden - Deep Blue Sea
Taiwan - 水深火熱
Thailand - Deep Blue Sea
Turkey - Mavi Korku
Ukraine - Глибоке синє море
United Arab Emirates - بحر أزرق عميق
Actors :
Thomas Jane Carter Blake
Saffron Burrows Dr Susan McAlester
Samuel L Jackson Russell Franklin
Jacqueline McKenzie Janice Higgins
Michael Rapaport Tom Scoggins
Stellan Skarsgård Jim Whitlock
LL Cool J Sherman 'Preacher' Dudley
Aida Turturro Brenda Kerns
Cristos Boat Captain
Daniel Rey Helicopter Pilot (as Daniel Bahimo Rey)
Valente Rodriguez Helicopter Co-Pilot
Brent Roam Helicopter Winch Operator
Eyal Podell Boy #1
Erinn Bartlett Girl #1
Dan Thiel Boy #2
Sabrina Geerinckx Girl #2
Tajsha Thomas Friend of Janice
Frank Welker Parrot Sounds (voice) (as Frank W Welker)
Ronny Cox Executive - Franklin's Boss (uncredited)
Renny Harlin Worker (uncredited)
Sarah Kelly Shark Victim (uncredited)
Roark Loedy Aqautica Dock Hand (uncredited)
Thomas Jane Carter Blake
Saffron Burrows Dr Susan McAlester
Samuel L Jackson Russell Franklin
Jacqueline McKenzie Janice Higgins
Michael Rapaport Tom Scoggins
Stellan Skarsgård Jim Whitlock
LL Cool J Sherman 'Preacher' Dudley
Aida Turturro Brenda Kerns
Cristos Boat Captain
Daniel Rey Helicopter Pilot (as Daniel Bahimo Rey)
Valente Rodriguez Helicopter Co-Pilot
Brent Roam Helicopter Winch Operator
Eyal Podell Boy #1
Erinn Bartlett Girl #1
Dan Thiel Boy #2
Sabrina Geerinckx Girl #2
Tajsha Thomas Friend of Janice
Frank Welker Parrot Sounds (voice) (as Frank W Welker)
Ronny Cox Executive - Franklin's Boss (uncredited)
Renny Harlin Worker (uncredited)
Sarah Kelly Shark Victim (uncredited)
Roark Loedy Aqautica Dock Hand (uncredited)

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