Set in a dreary port town in 1970, the story revolves around a group of boys led by the older Kameoka (Kohei Kiyasu) who form their own exploration group. One day Kameoka meets a strange man named Hachiya (Takeshi Nadagi) who works at the local amusement park. Hachiya is convinced a vision of the future he experienced is real, and one day he will have to fight a giant monster called Demeking to stop it from destroying Tokyo. When the time comes, Hachiya suddenly up and leaves. However, with the guidance of a note he leaves behind, Kameoka and his friends set off on an adventure to discover the true nature of Demeking.
Original Title : DEMEKINGU
Director(s) : Kôtarô Terauchi
Writer(s) : Takashi Imashiro
Genre(s) : Drama,Horror,Sci-Fi
Length : 1 h 39 minYear : 2009Country : JapanLangage : JapaneseCoulor : ColorRatio : 1.85 : 1Aka(s) :
(original title) - Demekingu
Japan - Demeking
Japan - デメキング(Japanese)
United States - Demeking: The Sea Monster(DVD Title)
World-wide - Demeking the Space Monster(English, Alternative Title)
Japan - Demeking
Japan - デメキング
United States - Demeking: The Sea Monster
World-wide - Demeking the Space Monster
(original title) - Demekingu
Japan - Demeking
Japan - デメキング(Japanese)
United States - Demeking: The Sea Monster(DVD Title)
World-wide - Demeking the Space Monster(English, Alternative Title)
Japan - Demeking
Japan - デメキング
United States - Demeking: The Sea Monster
World-wide - Demeking the Space Monster
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