While Hercules is away, his people and the woman he loves are killed by the king of Ecalia. Hercules goes to Ecalia to revenge his dead. When he arrives in Ecalia he finds that the king is dead and queen Dianira reigns. He saves her and falls for her, but Dianira has been promised to Acheloo. His deed became more and more hard among Licos's conspiracy, the Amazons, the Hydra and other monsters...
Original Title : GLI AMORI DI ERCOLE
Director(s) : Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia
Writer(s) : Sandro Continenza (screenplay) (as Alessandro Continenza) &, Luciano Doria (screenplay), , Alberto Manca (story)
Genre(s) : Fantasy,Adventure
Length : 1 h 42 minYear : 1960Langage : English (United States)Ratio : 2.35 : 1French Release : 1960-12-28Aka(s) :
(original title) - Gli amori di Ercole
Argentina - Los amores de Hércules
Australia - The Loves of Hercules
Belgium - De liefden van Herkules(Flemish, poster title)
Brazil - Hércules Contra os Dragões
Canada - The Loves of Hercules
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentTop GapWhat is the German language plot outline for Les amours d'Hercule (1960)?AnswerSee more gapsLearn more about contributing
Finland - Herkules ja rakkauden kuningatar
France - Les amours d'Hercule
Germany - Die Liebesnächte des Herkules
Greece - Ο Ηρακλής και οι Αμαζόνες
Hungary - Herkules szerelmei
India - The Loves of Hercules
Ireland - The Loves of Hercules
Italy - Gli amori di Ercole
Mexico - La venganza de Hércules
Poland - Miłostki Herkulesa
Portugal - A Desforra de Hércules
Serbia - Herkulova ljubav
Soviet Union - Яд гидры
Spain - El semidios
Spain - Las aventuras de Hercules
Spain - Los amores de Hercules
Turkey - Herkül Canavarlara Karsi
United Kingdom - The Loves of Hercules
United States - The Loves of Hercules
United States - Hercules vs. the Hydra
Venezuela - Los amores de Hércules
West Germany - Die Liebesnächte des Herkules
(original title) - Gli amori di Ercole
Argentina - Los amores de Hércules
Australia - The Loves of Hercules
Belgium - De liefden van Herkules(Flemish, poster title)
Brazil - Hércules Contra os Dragões
Canada - The Loves of Hercules
if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'StaticFeature_Contribution', {wb: 1}); }Contribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentTop GapWhat is the German language plot outline for Les amours d'Hercule (1960)?AnswerSee more gapsLearn more about contributing
Finland - Herkules ja rakkauden kuningatar
France - Les amours d'Hercule
Germany - Die Liebesnächte des Herkules
Greece - Ο Ηρακλής και οι Αμαζόνες
Hungary - Herkules szerelmei
India - The Loves of Hercules
Ireland - The Loves of Hercules
Italy - Gli amori di Ercole
Mexico - La venganza de Hércules
Poland - Miłostki Herkulesa
Portugal - A Desforra de Hércules
Serbia - Herkulova ljubav
Soviet Union - Яд гидры
Spain - El semidios
Spain - Las aventuras de Hercules
Spain - Los amores de Hercules
Turkey - Herkül Canavarlara Karsi
United Kingdom - The Loves of Hercules
United States - The Loves of Hercules
United States - Hercules vs. the Hydra
Venezuela - Los amores de Hércules
West Germany - Die Liebesnächte des Herkules
Actors :
Jayne Mansfield Deianira /Déjanire
Mickey Hargitay Ercole /Hercule
Massimo Serato Licos
Tina Gloriani Hippolyta /Hippolyte
Rossella Como Aleia /Éléa
Giulio Donnini Il sommo sacerdote /le grand prêtre
Arturo Bragaglia Iolaus
Andrea Aureli Fidoris
Andrea Scotti Timante /Timanthes
Moira Orfei Nemea /Némée
René Dary Il generale /Le général
Sandrine Livia - la serva di Deianira /Livia - la servante de Déjanire
Olga Solbelli Lachesi - la stega /Lachesi - la sorcière
Antonio Gradoli il capitano della guardia /Le capitaine des gardes
Cesare Fantoni Euristo - il re d'Ecalia /Eurystée - le roi d'Ecalie
Barbara Florian Megara /Mégarée
Giovanna Galletti Le sibille /La sibylle
Gianni Loti
Lidia Alfonsi (uncredited)
Sergio Calò (uncredited)
Angelo Casadei Un ribelle /Un rebelle (uncredited)
Vito Fasano Un servo /Un domestique (uncredited)
Aldo Pedinotti Alcione - il mostro /Alcione - le monstre (uncredited)
Amerigo Santarelli Torturer (uncredited)
Gil Vidal Il principe Achelo /le prince Achelous (uncredited)
Jayne Mansfield Deianira /Déjanire
Mickey Hargitay Ercole /Hercule
Massimo Serato Licos
Tina Gloriani Hippolyta /Hippolyte
Rossella Como Aleia /Éléa
Giulio Donnini Il sommo sacerdote /le grand prêtre
Arturo Bragaglia Iolaus
Andrea Aureli Fidoris
Andrea Scotti Timante /Timanthes
Moira Orfei Nemea /Némée
René Dary Il generale /Le général
Sandrine Livia - la serva di Deianira /Livia - la servante de Déjanire
Olga Solbelli Lachesi - la stega /Lachesi - la sorcière
Antonio Gradoli il capitano della guardia /Le capitaine des gardes
Cesare Fantoni Euristo - il re d'Ecalia /Eurystée - le roi d'Ecalie
Barbara Florian Megara /Mégarée
Giovanna Galletti Le sibille /La sibylle
Gianni Loti
Lidia Alfonsi (uncredited)
Sergio Calò (uncredited)
Angelo Casadei Un ribelle /Un rebelle (uncredited)
Vito Fasano Un servo /Un domestique (uncredited)
Aldo Pedinotti Alcione - il mostro /Alcione - le monstre (uncredited)
Amerigo Santarelli Torturer (uncredited)
Gil Vidal Il principe Achelo /le prince Achelous (uncredited)
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