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Filmography from Hal Sparks

Filmography from : Hal Sparks

Actor :

Spider-Man 2, Sam Raimi, 2004
Peter Parker is an unhappy man: after two years of fighting crime as Spider-Man, his life has begun to fall apart. The girl he loves is engaged to someone else, his grades are slipping, he cannot keep any of his jobs, and on top of it, the newspaper Daily Bugle is attacking him viciously, claiming that Spider-Man is a criminal. He reaches the breaking point and gives up the crime fighter's life, once and for all. But after a failed fusion...

Chrome Hearts, Dan Hoskins, 1989
The title should be enough to explain the plot here. Riding around on their motorbikes, a gang of tough women bikers are the only thing that stands between a crowd of Zombies, which have been accidentally let out of their secure cave (!), and those still alive in the town....