Mischa and Hannibal, baby brother and sister, are inseparable; it is their love for each other that ties their bond. Their companionship is forever binding, until, with their family, while hiding from the Nazi war machine a twisted set of circumstance sets the pace for a most vicious attack on the future of one Hannibal Lecter for the sworn vengeance for the brutal killing of his baby sister. Years later, we find Hannibal, the teenager, setting up in Paris, and living with his aunt Lady Murasaki Shikibu and studying at medical school here he finds his forte. Still searching for his sister's murderers, still bitter and still ever hopeful of satisfying his desire for retribution. This chance arrives, and soon we are to learn that for a pound of flesh lost a pound of flesh must be repaid. This is the horrific tale of justice and honor, a young man's growing pains that will have the guilty paying with more than just flesh and bone. This is the up and rising tale of the young Hannibal, prey you do not meet him, for meat you shall be to him. Taste his wroth.
Original Title : HANNIBAL RISING
Genre(s) : Adventure,Crime,Drama
Length : 2 hs 1 minuteYear : 2007Langage : English (United States)Coulor : ColorRatio : 2.35 : 1US Release : 2007-02-09Aka(s) :
(original title)Hannibal Rising
ArgentinaHannibal, el origen del mal
AustraliaHannibal Rising
BrazilHannibal: A Origem do Mal
BulgariaХанибал: Зараждането на злото(Bulgarian)
CanadaHannibal Rising
Canada - Hannibal Lecter: Les origines du mal
China - 少年汉尼拔
Croatia - Hannibal: Početak
Czech Republic - Hannibal - Zrození
Ecuador - Hannibal Rising
Egypt - Hannibal Rising
Estonia - Hannibal - koletise sünd
Finland - Nuori Hannibal
Finland - Unge Hannibal
France - Hannibal Lecter : Les Origines du mal
Germany - Hannibal Rising - Wie alles begann
Greece - Hannibal - I arhi
Greece - Hannibal: Η αρχή
Hungary - Hannibal ébredése
India - Hannibal Rising
India - Hannibal Rising
Indonesia - Hannibal Rising
Italy - Hannibal Lecter - Le origini del male
Japan - ハンニバル・ライジング
Latvia - Hanibāls: sākums
Lithuania - Hanibalas: pradžia
Mexico - Hannibal, el origen del mal
Mexico - Hannibal: El origen del mal
Netherlands - Hannibal Rising
Poland - Hannibal. Po drugiej stronie maski
Portugal - Hannibal - A Origem do Mal
Romania - Hannibal: În spatele mastii
Russia - Ганнибал: Восхождение
Serbia - Уздизање Ханибала
Slovakia - Hannibal: Zrodenie zla
Slovenia - Hannibal: Rojstvo zla
Spain - Hannibal, el origen del mal
Sweden - Hannibal Rising - Ondskan vaknar
Taiwan - 人魔崛起
Thailand - Hannibal Rising
Turkey - Hannibal Doğuyor
Ukraine - Ганнібал: Сходження
Ukraine - Молодий Ганнібал
United Arab Emirates - Hannibal Rising
United Kingdom - Hannibal Rising
United States - Hannibal Rising
United States - Hannibal 4
United States - The Lecter Variation: The Story of Young Hannibal Lecter
United States - The Lecter Variations
United States - Young Hannibal
United States - Young Hannibal: Behind the Mask
United States - Hannibal, el origen del mal
Vietnam - Hannibal Trỗi Dậy
(original title)Hannibal Rising
ArgentinaHannibal, el origen del mal
AustraliaHannibal Rising
BrazilHannibal: A Origem do Mal
BulgariaХанибал: Зараждането на злото(Bulgarian)
CanadaHannibal Rising
Canada - Hannibal Lecter: Les origines du mal
China - 少年汉尼拔
Croatia - Hannibal: Početak
Czech Republic - Hannibal - Zrození
Ecuador - Hannibal Rising
Egypt - Hannibal Rising
Estonia - Hannibal - koletise sünd
Finland - Nuori Hannibal
Finland - Unge Hannibal
France - Hannibal Lecter : Les Origines du mal
Germany - Hannibal Rising - Wie alles begann
Greece - Hannibal - I arhi
Greece - Hannibal: Η αρχή
Hungary - Hannibal ébredése
India - Hannibal Rising
India - Hannibal Rising
Indonesia - Hannibal Rising
Italy - Hannibal Lecter - Le origini del male
Japan - ハンニバル・ライジング
Latvia - Hanibāls: sākums
Lithuania - Hanibalas: pradžia
Mexico - Hannibal, el origen del mal
Mexico - Hannibal: El origen del mal
Netherlands - Hannibal Rising
Poland - Hannibal. Po drugiej stronie maski
Portugal - Hannibal - A Origem do Mal
Romania - Hannibal: În spatele mastii
Russia - Ганнибал: Восхождение
Serbia - Уздизање Ханибала
Slovakia - Hannibal: Zrodenie zla
Slovenia - Hannibal: Rojstvo zla
Spain - Hannibal, el origen del mal
Sweden - Hannibal Rising - Ondskan vaknar
Taiwan - 人魔崛起
Thailand - Hannibal Rising
Turkey - Hannibal Doğuyor
Ukraine - Ганнібал: Сходження
Ukraine - Молодий Ганнібал
United Arab Emirates - Hannibal Rising
United Kingdom - Hannibal Rising
United States - Hannibal Rising
United States - Hannibal 4
United States - The Lecter Variation: The Story of Young Hannibal Lecter
United States - The Lecter Variations
United States - Young Hannibal
United States - Young Hannibal: Behind the Mask
United States - Hannibal, el origen del mal
Vietnam - Hannibal Trỗi Dậy

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