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By Oh My Gore ! on October 31, 2008

"HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE" - New international Teaser !

HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE - New international Teaser A new international teaser trailer for "HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE" has leaked online and can be watched using the player below!
Opening in conventional theaters and IMAX on July 17, 2009, the David Yates-directed sixth installment stars Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Helena Bonham Carter, David Bradley, Robbie Coltrane, Warwick Davis, Tom Felton, Michael Gambon, Alan Rickman, Maggie Smith, Natalia Tena, Julie Walters, David Thewlis, Evanna Lynch, Matthew Lewis, Bonnie Wright, Jim Broadbent, Helen McCrory, Jessie Cave, Hero Fiennes Tiffin and Frank Dillane.

Synopsis : In “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,” Lord Voldemort is tightening his grip on both the Muggle and Wizard worlds and Hogwarts is no longer the safe haven it once was. Harry suspects that dangers may even lie within the castle, but Dumbledore is more intent upon preparing him for the final battle that he knows is fast approaching.

French Release : 2009-07-15 | US Release : 2009-07-15

Source : Comingsoon.net / Showbizz.net

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adele - /12/04 at 23:40
# 18


i just spent the last 5 minutes in a high pitched squeal.

Ty - /11/17 at 17:58
# 17

It is going to be a great movie. David Yates I think is a fantastic director with the previous movies, and I think he knows what he is doing. I also know that the two producers also make some of the choices of what scenes are in and out. So...anyway..it sucks that we won't be seeing it in 4 or 5 days, but If we keep ourselves busy and excitied for it, time will fly by, and we will finally see it in July. I know for sure I am going to the first Midnight showing when it comes out. Also..on facebook I have created a Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince group. I have posted a lot of updated pics. and updated trailers. Check it out. It right now has only 13 members and is opened for everyone. My group had the picture of Harry and Dumbledore in the Cave as it's main picture, so that should help u find it.

JEff - /11/14 at 12:26
# 16

The only prob wiht this movie is the director. He did not do a great job with the last film, esp the fight between Dumbeldore and Vorldermort they showed dumbledore way to under powered and the ministry of magic scenes were way way to short i would have gladly stayed an extra hour to make sure the film was don currectly, And wht was up with the whole flying around in the ministy scene, in book 7 they make a huge deal about voldermort flying around without a broom. oh well only time will tell.

ginachu - /11/10 at 00:22
# 15

okay hold on, it said "this year"? WHAT! must be an old trailer : /

victoria again - /11/09 at 19:43
# 14

hey steven:

i'm pretty sure the people asked jk rowling if they could write another scene to use. its the burrow on fire.

i HATE daniel radcliffe... like how he acts as harry!

michelle - /11/05 at 01:56
# 13

Loved it and the last part with Harry and Hermione i thought it was hillarious when she hit him cant wait lol lol lol

steven - /11/05 at 01:40
# 12

Does anybody know what the things on fire are because in the book, only hagrids hut goes on fire but in this there were two things on fire (possibly the same thing) but neither of them were hagrids hut. can someone help.

Brent - /11/04 at 18:16
# 11

It looks really good. The only thing i'm worried about it how they're replacing some scenes in the book and making up completly new ones for the movie. Hopefully they pull it off.

3/11/08 - /11/03 at 22:01
# 10

It look better then the order of the phoniex. Moe special effects and is a darker story. All the actors are brillant


Chika - /11/03 at 05:14
# 9

can't wait till it plays in my country. i think it;s still soooo loooong.....

tori - /11/03 at 00:00
# 8

who's nicole?

is it one of my friends i sent the link to?

victoria AGAIN - /11/02 at 23:58
# 7

Whoa ...i'm back.
harry really annoys me in that last part, as i said before.
and lavender in so evil and bossy.
why are harry and ginny confronting greyback, not bill? oh yeah, BECAUSE BILL DOESN'T EXIST! thats bad. i like bill. now what, are they gonna mess ginny's face up instead? and if anyone's seem the movie stills, i really HATE narcissa malfoy. shes so old and ugly!

it may sound like i dont like the movie but i think its going to be great despite the complaints above. the trailer's so good i've watched it like twenty times! and i agree with Amie. snape is so cool in this trailer! too bad we cant have watched in on nov. 21st. :(

nicole - /11/02 at 22:40
# 6

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! I cant wait until this movie comes out! It is going to be sooooo good!

victoria - /11/02 at 21:43
# 5


i hate how harry's all cocky like "i'm the chosen one!" he doesnt like romilda in the book!

Amie - /11/02 at 20:53
# 4

Omg this looks so amazing! Eeeek! You can see Snape walking in this!!! He is my favorite character!! Ekkk!! I cannot wait!

Rakuran - /11/01 at 13:33
# 3

From what I've seen, it looks brilliant. My one concern is, however, that the scenes cut are done so for obvious and acceptable reasons. The Half Blood Prince movie has a lot of pressure in being magically wonderful in meeting the standards of its predecessors, and the book sequel, The Deathly Hallows. I am happy to see that Dumbledore will be seen far more often in this film, as he should. The lead up to the shocking ending will be told, finally! Lets hope Harry Potter and J.K Rowling are not let down. David Yates has a very honourable, but important job. Lets hope he succeeds in what Harry Potter should be. A good way to determine this, is to critically analyze all the books and films to present.

Walter - /11/01 at 12:48
# 2

Ahhh cant wait for it to come out :( , loved all the others and i have a feeling this one is going to be great

jim. - /11/01 at 11:30
# 1

i'm so excited!! this looks amazing.

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