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HUGO (2011)

Set in 1930s Paris, an orphan who lives in the walls of a train station is wrapped up in a mystery involving his late father and an automaton.

Original Title : HUGO
Director(s) :
Writer(s) :
Genre(s) : Adventure,Drama,Family
Length : 2 hs 6 minYear : 2011Langage : English (United States)Coulor : ColorRatio : 1.85 : 1French Release : 2011-12-14US Release : 2011-12-10
Aka(s) :
(original title) - Hugo
Argentina - La invención de Hugo Cabret
Australia - Hugo
Azerbaijan - Zaman gözətçisi
Brazil - A Invenção de Hugo Cabret
Bulgaria - Изобретението на Хюго(Bulgarian)
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Canada - Hugo
Canada - Hugo
Chile - La invención de Hugo Cabret
China - 雨果
Colombia - La invención de Hugo Cabret
Czech Republic - Hugo a jeho velký objev
Ecuador - Hugo
Egypt - Hugo
Estonia - Hugo Cabret' leiutis
Finland - Hugo
Finland - Hugo
France - Hugo Cabret
Georgia - Hiugo
Germany - Hugo Cabret
Greece - Hugo
Hong Kong - Hugo
Hong Kong - 雨果的巴黎奇幻歷險
Hungary - A leleményes Hugo
India - Hugo
India - Hugo
India - हूगो
Iran - Hugo
Israel - Hugo
Italy - Hugo Cabret
Japan - Hugo no Fushigi na Hatsumei
Japan - ヒューゴの不思議な発明
Kazakhstan - Уақыт сақтаушы
Kazakhstan - Хранитель времени
Latvia - Hugo
Lithuania - Hugo išradimas
Mexico - La invención de Hugo Cabret
Netherlands - Hugo
Norway - Hugo Cabret
Peru - La invención de Hugo Cabret
Philippines - Hugo
Poland - Hugo i jego wynalazek
Portugal - A Invenção de Hugo
Russia - Хранитель времени
Serbia - Hugo
Singapore - Hugo
Slovakia - Hugo a jeho vel'ký objav
South Africa - Hugo
South Korea - Hugo
Spain - La invención de Hugo
Sweden - Hugo Cabret
Taiwan - 雨果的冒險
Thailand - Hugo
Turkey - Hugo
Ukraine - Хранитель часу
United Arab Emirates - Hugo
Actors :
Georges Méliès
Station Inspector
Hugo Cabret
Uncle Claude
Monsieur Labisse
Mama Jeanne
Rene Tabard
Madame Emilie
Monsieur Frick
Hugo's Father
Young Tabard
Street Kid
Django Reinhardt
Theatre Manager
Camera Technician
Train Engineer
Train Engineer Assistant
Café Waitress
Child at Café
Child at Café
Child at Café
Arabian Knight
Arabian Knight
Arabian Knight
Young Tabard's Brother
Circus Barker
Circus Barker
Salvador Dali
James Joyce
French Fisherman (uncredited)
Talent Scout (uncredited)
Girl in Cafe (uncredited)
Magic Theatre Guest (uncredited)
OTT Stylist (uncredited)
Parisian in Cafe (uncredited)
Railway Porteur 71 (uncredited)
Train Station Pedestrian (uncredited)
Woman (uncredited)
Woman library (uncredited)
Policeman (uncredited)
Local Woman (uncredited)
Gentleman (uncredited)
Dancer /Skeleton (uncredited)
Business Man (uncredited)
Mermaid (uncredited)
Theater Guest (uncredited)
Spectator (uncredited)
Business Man (uncredited)
Worker (uncredited)
Projectionist (uncredited)
Gentleman with Newspaper (uncredited)
Photographer (uncredited)
Party Guest (uncredited)
Passenger on Train (uncredited)
Station Ticket Inspector (uncredited)
French Artist (uncredited)
Parisian Commuter (uncredited)

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