Dr. Wendell Simpson is troubled surgeon with a nagging wife, named Carol, and stressful hospital job, who botches a surgery on an injured young man, named Johnny, who then dies under his care. The man's dangerously disturbed girlfriend, Jessica, abducts the doctor and holds him captive at her apartment and subjects him to mind games and sexual torture because she holds the doctor responsible for the death of her boyfriend which triggers hidden repressed memories about Jessica and Johnny's times together, while Dr. Simpson finds himself pervasively drawn to this strange young woman holding him captive.
Director(s) : Lucio Fulci
Writer(s) : Ludovica Marineo (story) &, Vincenzo Salviani (story) &, Jaime Jesús Balcázar (story) (as Jesus Balcazar) &, Lucio Fulci (story), , Ludovica Marineo (screenplay) &, Vincenzo Salviani (screenplay) &, Jaime Jesús Balcázar (screenplay) (as Jesus Balcazar) &, Lucio Fulci (screenplay), , Sergio Partou (dialogue) (as Sergio Patou)
Genre(s) : Mystery,Thriller
Length : 1 h 30 minYear : 1986Langage : English (United States)Ratio : 1.85 : 1French Release : 1988-07-20Aka(s) :
(original title) - Il miele del diavolo
Devil's Honey(literal English title)
Divine Obsession
Argentina - La miel del diablo
Australia - Il miele del diavolo
Brazil - Divina Obsessão
Canada - The Devil's Honey
Canada - Le miel du diable
Denmark - De lange negles nat
Ecuador - Il miele del diavolo
Egypt - The Devil's Honey
Finland - Polttava himo
France - Le Miel du diable
France - Plaisirs pervers
Greece - Ο Διάβολος στο κορμί της κας Μπράουν
India - Il Miele Del Diavolo
Italy - Il miele del diavolo
Japan - Il miele del diavolo
Mexico - La miel del diablo
Netherlands - The Devil's Honey
Norway - The Devil's Honey
Poland - Niebezpieczna obsesja
Portugal - O Mel do Diabo
Soviet Union - Дьявольский мед
Spain - La miel del diablo
Turkey - Şeytanın Balı
United Kingdom - The Devil's Honey
United States - The Devil's Honey
United States - Dangerous Obsession
West Germany - Dämon in Seide
World-wide - The Devil's Honey
(original title) - Il miele del diavolo
Devil's Honey(literal English title)
Divine Obsession
Argentina - La miel del diablo
Australia - Il miele del diavolo
Brazil - Divina Obsessão
Canada - The Devil's Honey
Canada - Le miel du diable
Denmark - De lange negles nat
Ecuador - Il miele del diavolo
Egypt - The Devil's Honey
Finland - Polttava himo
France - Le Miel du diable
France - Plaisirs pervers
Greece - Ο Διάβολος στο κορμί της κας Μπράουν
India - Il Miele Del Diavolo
Italy - Il miele del diavolo
Japan - Il miele del diavolo
Mexico - La miel del diablo
Netherlands - The Devil's Honey
Norway - The Devil's Honey
Poland - Niebezpieczna obsesja
Portugal - O Mel do Diabo
Soviet Union - Дьявольский мед
Spain - La miel del diablo
Turkey - Şeytanın Balı
United Kingdom - The Devil's Honey
United States - The Devil's Honey
United States - Dangerous Obsession
West Germany - Dämon in Seide
World-wide - The Devil's Honey
Actors :
Brett Halsey Dr Wendell Simpson
Corinne Cléry Carol Simpson
Blanca Marsillach Jessica
Stefano Madia Johnny
Paula Molina Sandra (as Paola Marina)
Bernard Seray Nicky
Lucio Fulci Bracelet Vendor (uncredited)
Eulàlia Ramon Prositute (uncredited)
Brett Halsey Dr Wendell Simpson
Corinne Cléry Carol Simpson
Blanca Marsillach Jessica
Stefano Madia Johnny
Paula Molina Sandra (as Paola Marina)
Bernard Seray Nicky
Lucio Fulci Bracelet Vendor (uncredited)
Eulàlia Ramon Prositute (uncredited)
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