Inspired in part by The Blair Witch Project, In Memorium centers on a struggling filmmaker who rents a house with his girlfriend to document his final days after a diagnosis of terminal cancer. He installs motion-triggered security cameras in every room to capture their lives without invasion. But an invasion of a different sort is captured on the footage--an inexplicable presence in the house. Immediately afterward, things become terrifying.
Original Title : IN MEMORIUM
Director(s) : Amanda Gusack
Writer(s) : Amanda Gusack (written by)
Genre(s) : Horror
Length : 1 h 13 minYear : 2005Country : United StatesLangage : EnglishCoulor : ColorRatio : 1.33 : 1US Release : 2017-02-17Aka(s) :
(original title) - In Memorium
Australia - In Memorium
Ecuador - In Memorium
Russia - Память
United Kingdom - In Memorium
United States - In Memorium
(original title) - In Memorium
Australia - In Memorium
Ecuador - In Memorium
Russia - Память
United Kingdom - In Memorium
United States - In Memorium
Actors :
Erik McDowell Dennis
Johanna Watts Lily
Levi Powell Frank
Mary Portser Ms Sporec
Doris Weldon Rose
Erik McDowell Dennis
Johanna Watts Lily
Levi Powell Frank
Mary Portser Ms Sporec
Doris Weldon Rose
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