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Interview with Garry Medeiros, Jeremy Labrie & Walter Rivero - December 2017

Garry Medeiros, Jeremy Labrie & Walter Rivero - December 2017

Interview with Garry Medeiros, Jeremy Labrie & Walter Rivero - December 2017 Back in 2005, The DVD of an unknown horror film: "PLAGA ZOMBIE: ZONA MUTANTE" discreetly landed in France. Second part of a gore trilogy which was incredibly cool for a very low budget franchise, the film has lastingly marked the spirits of those who had the chance to see it. Nearly 15 years later, while the other two opus of the original saga remain shamefully unpublished in France, we discovered that a new opus entitled "PLAGA ZOMBIE: AMERICAN INVASION" is on it's way. We met the guys in charge of it : the director Garry Medeiros, and two of his actors and co-producers Jeremy Labrie and Walter Rivero.
Oh My Gore ! : "Hi guys ! Tell us : How and when did you decide to resurrect this saga?

Garry : It started off as a joke with me and Hernan (director of the first trilogy). It was right around when they were making the "EVIL DEAD" remake and teased an "EVIL DEAD 4". I told Hernan if they make "EVIL DEAD 4" then they you must make a "PLAGA ZOMBIE 4" and then I'll make the remake. Hernan said, we're not making any more but you can make a remake if you want. And then that sparked the idea in my head.

Oh My Gore ! : "How long did it already take you to make this movie happen?

Garry : We've been working on it for over 4 years now.

Jeremy : We've had a few obstacles along the way as far as people signing on then dropping out, locations falling through on us, etc. So I'd say in the vicinity of about 4 short years now.

Walter : We put a lot of work into this movie, this is an independent movie with ambition and desire! This was a long road but in the end game we will show everyone that the hard work was not in vain! Thanks to all involved, especially our Executive Producer and FX guru that stepped up to the plate when needed : Cheryl Medeiros you rock!!!

Oh My Gore ! : "Judging by the trailer, it seems that it's both a sequel and a spin-off. How would you call it?

Jeremy : I would say it's a continuation of the story.

Garry : We never wanted to make a remake. We felt the best way around it would be to act as if the events of the first trilogy happened and this would be 20 years later. The aliens have been waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike again. We feel these attacks could be happening all over the world. This is just one story in the USA.

Walter : I would best describe this movie as a sequel 20 years after the events in 1997

Oh My Gore ! : "So, what can you tell us about the plot?

Walter : In 1997 an Alien race attempted an invasion in a small city in South America by fertilizing the human population turning them into blood thirsty zombies. The plan almost worked until 3 unlikely heroes emerged, battling back the zombies, and ultimately destroying the Alien mother ship.
Now, 20 years later, the Aliens are back to their old tricks. Their target this time around is America. The city of New Bedford, Massachusetts is quickly overrun by the alien zombie infestation. To contain the outbreak the American government detaches the city at it's fault line, setting it adrift into the Atlantic Ocean.
Amazingly, 4 new heroes emerge and must not only battle through the hordes of zombies, stop the alien invasion, but also anchor the floating city before it smashes head on into the Azores Islands.

Oh My Gore ! : "How the fact that the movie is set in the US will influence the story?

Jeremy : It really boils down to the human spirit and the idea of survival. I don't think the fact that it takes place in the U.S. makes any difference.

Walter : The Plaga Zombie Universe is growing and expanding the fact that the Aliens can come and invade the USA shows that nobody is safe from these Zombie Aliens!!! (laughs) But all kidding aside we believe that the Plaga Zombie Franchise has no boundaries!!!

Oh My Gore ! : "Actors and makers of the original saga are going to be in this new movie. Are they gonna play the same characters? Is John West going to be back?

Garry : We don't want to reveal their involvement in the movie but yes, Max, Bill, and John West will all have cameos as well as some other familiar faces.

Oh My Gore ! : "Did they help you writing the script? Gave you some advices? How did they react when you told them you were planning to revive the franchise?

Garry : The Farsa guys have all been extremely supportive. They all helped to shoot their cameos as well as even helping edit some scenes. They gave us full creative control with the story but also guided us to keep it all in the “PLAGA ZOMBIE” spirit.

Oh My Gore ! : "Can we expect a lot of blood and gore?

Walter : Hell Yes!!!

Oh My Gore ! : "Tell us about the special effects: are you going to use a lot of old fashioned practical effects, like in Zona Mutante? Will there be cgi effects as well?

Walter : We have both CGI and Practical Effects in the movie, it's gonna be wild!! We all worked hard on making cool gags, and practical effects. To us it was very important bc we wanted to uphold the same feeling as the original saga, CGI was needed for a new take on the movie!! a modern twist if you will since its 20 years later.

Oh My Gore ! : "What were your influences, besides the Plaga Zombie franchise?

Garry : I think we all grew up with the same influences. Carpenter, Raimi, Jackson, Hitchcock. I think it helps we're all from the same generation.
Jeremy : I'm a big "BACK TO THE FUTURE" fan so you might see an homage to that pop up.

Walter : I am a lover of 80's Old School Horror and Science Fiction!! From "EVIL DEAD", "HALLOWEEN" to "STAR WARS"! My influences for my character (Kobra) was based on cult classic by John Carpenter. Can you guess which one?? (Walter's character looks a lot like Snake Plisken in "ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK")

Oh My Gore ! : "Walter, you played a small part in "PLAGA ZOMBIE : ZONA MUTANTE". Could you imagine at the time that fifteen years later you would be involved into making a new Plaga Zombie movie?

Walter : To be totally honest with you I had no idea this was going to happen, I remained friends with the guys from Farsa and got involved in other projects with them in Argentina one named "DAEMONIUM" which is on Netflix!.. Anyway to make a long story short my friends Pablo Pares (Bill Johnson) and Hernan Saez (Max Giggs) got in touch with me telling me that Garry was making this movie and the rest is history or future lol which ever but I am still in awe that this universe is so small and that we came together to make this movie!!

Oh My Gore ! : "What are you guys doing for a living? Working in the film industry?

Jeremy : I'd love to work full time in the movie industry. Maybe in the future.

Garry : Besides filmmaking we all have day jobs, ha ha.

Walter : I work for Delta Airlines which is a pretty cool job because I have the flexibility to travel and take time off to work on movies with my brothers and sisters as I call them! I love movies and this to me is the beginning of more things to come!!

Oh My Gore ! : When are you planning to release "PLAGA ZOMBIE : AMERICAN INVASION"?

Garry : Release date will be revealed by the beginning of the new year but we are looking at a Spring release.

Oh My Gore ! : If everything goes well, are you planning to make other Plaga Zombie related movies?

Jeremy : We like to sit around and bounce ideas off each other but I think our main focus right now is getting a great movie out there to the fans of the series.

Walter : Hey if we got this far I think anything is possible I am a strong believer of fate and destiny, but as Jeremy states our main focus is to finish this one! hopefully get a following and maybe if we can get the right budget make more....

Watch the trailer :

Pierre Champleboux - "Grotte Chaude Cinéma Club" (https://www.facebook.com/LaCommunauteDeLaGrotteChaude/ )
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