Stephanie Aldridge - May 2004
Oh My Gore : "Hello. Could you please introduce yourself to the Oh My Gore ! readers who might not know about you yet ?"
My name is Stephanie Aldridge and I am a 16-year-old independent horror filmmaker from Northeast Ohio. To this date, I have filmed a total of 3 films, and will soon begin production on my latest endeavor, "DESCEND INTO DARKNESS 2: BATTLE OF THE UNDEAD".
Oh My Gore : "Why, when and how did you career turn toward cinema? "
What really first inspired me to start making films would have to be the "SUBSPECIES" series. I had been watching those films when I was 5-6 years old, and just really loved the acting, the story, and the films themselves. I thought to myself, "I can do that. That could be me someday." So, those films really inspired me, and I also think my love for all horror films in general had an impact on my decision to make films as well.
Oh My Gore : "Which are the films that influenced you ?"
Well, definitely the "SUBSPECIES" series, since those were some of the first films that I watched when I was younger! I would also have to say "A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET", "FRIDAY THE 13TH", "HALLOWEEN" and many others!
Oh My Gore : "Which are the directors you prefer ?"
I pretty much like a lot of the classic film directors such as John Carpenter, Wes Craven, Dario Argento, and George Romero.
Oh My Gore : "Can you talk to us about "BLOOD BENEATH THE MOON" & "SLICE 'N' DICE"..."
"BLOOD BENEATH THE MOON" is about a some friends who rent a house that, unknowing to the renters, was used as a laboratory for a man named Dr. Stevens several years ago. The story is about Darla Death, a female serial killer, who is on the prowl for some fresh blood to be spilled !
"SLICE 'N' DICE" is a full-length serial killer movie about a girl who had been beaten up and tormented while she was in high school. Many years later she decides to get revenge on everyone for what they did to her.
"SLICE 'N' DICE" is a full-length serial killer movie about a girl who had been beaten up and tormented while she was in high school. Many years later she decides to get revenge on everyone for what they did to her.
Oh My Gore : "Do you have any other project in preparation ?"
Yes, I do! This summer, I will be filming the sequel to my vampire film "DESCEND INTO DARKNESS", which is called "DESCEND INTO DARKNESS 2: BATTLE OF THE UNDEAD". This film will star the lovely Syn DeVil, Suzi Lorraine, Acid Pop Tart, as well as a slew of other awesome people! From there on I will continue to make films, act, write, and direct.
Oh My Gore : "How does the life of a young 16 year old director go on? Do you still study...?"
Education is the most important thing for me in my life right now. Yes, I still study. Besides all of that, I am busy writing scripts and figuring out ideas for upcoming films. Everything I'm doing right now is definitely a dream come true, and I am loving every minute of it!
Oh My Gore : "Could you tell us as well how you finance your movies ?"
My parents help me finance my films, and I will also put up some money as well. I think financing films is one of the toughest obstacles, especially for low budget filmmakers. Beside myself, I know there are probably a lot of other directors out there, who would love to find some investors for some of their upcoming films.
Oh My Gore : "I suppose that, for you, it's more than a simple hobby... Do you really intend to making your career in cinema? "
Yes, you are absolutely correct! I don't even consider making films a hobby for myself. I am very serious about my work and make sure that it is the best that it can possibly be. I definitely plan on making a career in the film industry. I have many supporters and am just having a great time doing what I have always wanted to do, and that is write, direct, and act in films.
Oh My Gore : "I know you can do many things: you direct, you write and you act...Which of these 3 activities are you attracted the most to ?"
I would have to say that directing is the best. Don't get me wrong, I love writing and acting and have had a passion for it ever since I was 6 years old, but I think being a director and seeing the work that you wrote come to life right before your very eyes is just such an incredible feeling. I think with directing you almost have a better appreciation of all the work that is involved with making a film. Overall, I do love every aspect of filmmaking, because each role teaches you something different.
Oh My Gore : "What does people around you, and in particular your parents, think about your cinematographical activities ?"
My parents are very supportive of what I am doing, which I am very grateful for! They have been supportive of my endeavor of getting into the film industry for a very long time. Plus, they help out on set for all of my films as well. They are just great parents!
Oh My Gore : "You're quite young and still you already participate to conventions. How do people react facing you as a director ?"
Some people really are speechless, because they've never seen someone as young as myself attend conventions and direct, act, and write horror films. I have some really incredible fans and people who enjoy what I am doing and cannot wait to see my upcoming films. That's always a great feeling. Like I've said before, no matter what happens, I will keep doing what I love.
Oh My Gore : "What about the other persons in cinema (actors and directors)? What is their reaction generally speaking? "
People tend to discriminate what I am doing. I think the main reason that people discriminate is because they are jealous that they were unable to do what I am doing when they were my age. That's all it is.
Since the industry is mostly male-populated when it comes to directors, when they see a female coming along, I think they tend to freak out and really don't know what to say. Everyone is so used to a male director, that it's "odd" and a rarity to have a female directing films as well. I do get the discrimination quite often, but it doesn't bother me because I am doing what I love and nothing is going to stop me.
However, this is not the case with everyone. I have a lot of actresses, actors, directors, etc. who are in the industry that support my work and are excited to see that I am pursuing my career at such a young age.
Since the industry is mostly male-populated when it comes to directors, when they see a female coming along, I think they tend to freak out and really don't know what to say. Everyone is so used to a male director, that it's "odd" and a rarity to have a female directing films as well. I do get the discrimination quite often, but it doesn't bother me because I am doing what I love and nothing is going to stop me.
However, this is not the case with everyone. I have a lot of actresses, actors, directors, etc. who are in the industry that support my work and are excited to see that I am pursuing my career at such a young age.
Oh My Gore : "As an American citizen, what do you think about the movies made in USA ?"
I think the films are becoming a little boring, especially when it comes to A-stream films and b-movies. The A-stream films tend to try and make a decent horror film, when in fact all they have in the movie are overdone special effects and continuous fight scenes. The b-movies have been going a little "down-hill" lately as well. I keep seeing a lot of the same story ideas over and over again. I think there needs to be some fresh faces to the industry that can do something new and different. This is what I plan on having in my films- -a fresh story, and a movie that will hopefully be remembered for a long time.
Oh My Gore : "And what do you think about french cinema ?"
I think French films are great! I really have come to like a lot of the international films, besides the domestic films in the USA. Sometimes the international films are better than some of the films that are produced over here in the states.
Oh My Gore : "Generally speaking, which horror movies struck you the most ?"
Everyone knows this by now "SUBSPECIES" series, as well as the classic film "RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD", "THE EXORCIST", "HALLOWEEN", "SUSPIRIA" etc.
Oh My Gore : "Going back to your cinematographical carreer, which actor would you like to shot with ?"
There are various individuals that I would enjoy working with in the future. Just to name a few, I would have to say: Denice Duff, Debbie Dutch, Isabelle Stephen, Brinke Stevens, Jeff Dylan Graham, Tanya Dempsey, Tina Krause, Jasi Lanier, Bruce Campbell, and many more!
Oh My Gore : "Which movie would you have liked or would you like to direct ?"
Hmmm. Tough one. There are so many I would have loved to direct. I would probably have to say "BLOODSTONE: SUBSPECIES 2". That is one of my all-time favorite films and I just think everything about it was great! Just to be able to direct a film like that would have been an amazing opportunity!
Oh My Gore : "What do you think about Oh My Gore! ?"
I think Oh My Gore is an awesome web site and is just so cool! It's awesome to have my interview posted on the web site! Keep up the great work !
Oh My Gore : "Thank you so much for this interview. Anything you would like to add ?"
First of all, I would like to thank you for taking the time to interview me! It was a pleasure! I would also like to thank all of my family and friends, especially all of my dedicated fans! You rock! Be sure to be on the lookout for "DESCEND INTO DARKNESS" and "DESCEND INTO DARKNESS 2: BATTLE OF THE UNDEAD ! "
Keep checking my web site for the latest info.
Fangs a lot!!
Keep checking my web site for the latest info.
Fangs a lot!!
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