test Janghwa, Hongryuna Janghwa, Hongryun (2003) - Kim Jee-woon

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Janghwa, Hongryun


Original Title : JANGHWA, HONGRYUN
Director(s) :
Writer(s) :
Genre(s) : Drama,Horror,Mystery
Length : 1 h 54 minYear : 2003Country : South KoreaLangage : KoreanCoulor : ColorRatio : 1.85 : 1French Release : 2023-11-15US Release : 2004-12-17
Aka(s) :
(original title) - Janghwa, Hongryun
Australia - A Tale of Two Sisters
Brazil - Medo(DVD Title)
Brazil - Medo
Brazil - Duas Irmãs(new title)
Canada - A Tale of Two Sisters(English, Alternative Title)

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Canada - Deux soeurs
China - 鬼魅
Ecuador - Janghwa, Hongryeon
Egypt - A Tale of Two Sisters
Finland - Pahan yhteys
Finland - Tarina kahdesta siskosta
France - 2 Sœurs
Germany - A Tale of Two Sisters
Germany - Zwei Schwestern
Greece - Η ιστορία δύο αδελφών
Hong Kong - 姊魅情深
Hungary - Két nővér
India - Janghwa, Hongryeon
India - A Tale of Two Sisters
Indonesia - A Tale of Two Sisters
Italy - Two Sisters
Japan - Tansu
Japan - 箪笥
Japan - 箪笥/たんす
Lithuania - Dviejų seserų istorija
Mexico - Los poseídos
Netherlands - A Tale of Two Sisters
Norway - A Tale of Two Sisters
Peru - Dos hermanas
Poland - Opowieść o dwóch siostrach
Portugal - História de Duas Irmãs
Romania - Povestea celor doua surori
Russia - История двух сестер
Serbia - Прича о две сестре
Singapore - A Tale of Two Sisters
Singapore - 姐魅情深
Slovenia - Zgodba o dveh sestrah
South Korea - Janghwa, Hongryeon
South Korea - Changhwa, Hongryeon
South Korea - Changhwa, Hongryon
South Korea - Changhwa, Hongryun
South Korea - Janghwa, Hongryon
South Korea - Rose Flower, Red Lotus
Spain - 2 hermanas
Sweden - A Tale of Two Sisters
Taiwan - 鬼魅
Thailand - A Tale of Two Sisters
Turkey - Karanlık sırlar
Ukraine - Оповідь про двох сестер
United Kingdom - A Tale of Two Sisters
United States - A Tale of Two Sisters
Uzbekistan - Opa-singil hikoyasi
Vietnam - Câu Chuyện Hai Chị Em
World-wide - A Tale of Two Sisters
Actors :
Soo-mi Bae - Janghwa
Eun-joo Heo - Stepmother
Moo-hyeon Bae - Father
Soo-yeon Bae - Hongryeon
Mrs Bae - Soo-mi'sSoo-yeon's Mother (as Park Mi-hyun)
Soo-mi's Doctor
Director Hwang
Mr Jang
Middle-Aged Woman
Closet Ghost /Nurse 1
Nurse 2
Young Soo-mi
Young Soo-yeon
Soo-yeon /Mother Stunts
Soo-yeon /Mother Stunts
Mr Jang
Janghwa Hongryun

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