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Filmography from Jean Loup Philippe

Filmography from : Jean Loup Philippe

Writer :

Lèvres de sang, Jean Rollin, 1975
Frederick sees a photograph of a ruined seaside castle, which triggers a strange childhood memory. He then goes on a strange quest, aided by four female vampires, to find the castle and the beautiful woman who lives there....

Actor :

La nuit des horloges, Jean Rollin, 2007

Le sexe qui parle 2, Claude Mulot (as Frédéric Lansac), 1978
A sort of La Ronde of talking sex organs. Patricia passes it on to Charles and it spreads outwards from there, though a lot if this is implied. Gwenda Farnel is Jackie, Charles’ wife. She orders the butler to have sex with her when Charles is out with Patricia and then, to the butler’s relief, leaves her husband. Charles’ talking cock puts off one woman (unlisted blonde) whom he tries to chat up on a park bench, but amuses Danièle Troeger...

Lèvres de sang, Jean Rollin, 1975
Frederick sees a photograph of a ruined seaside castle, which triggers a strange childhood memory. He then goes on a strange quest, aided by four female vampires, to find the castle and the beautiful woman who lives there....

Le viol du vampire, Jean Rollin, 1968
After a psychoanalyst unsuccessfully tries to convince four sisters that they are not 200 year old vampires, the Queen of the Vampires promulgates the cause of the Undead....