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Filmography from Jean Michel Larre

Filmography from : Jean Michel Larre

Actor :

Love Eternal, Brendan Muldowney, 2013
Based on the Japanese novel In Love With The Dead, from acclaimed author Kei Oishi (Apartment 1303, The Last Supper), the film centres on an isolated and death-fixated young man who tries to make sense of the world, and his existence, in the only way he knows how...by getting closer to death....

Lady Blood, Jean-Marc Vincent, 2008
Yanka is a mother and a chief of police. She's a fulfilled woman, in love with her husband and happy with her daughter and mother-in-law. Everything's going great until a strange occurrence disturbs her new life. With the help of her psychiatrist husband, she tries to convince herself that it's just a nightmare. But it gets worse every day... In the same time, she heads an investigation into the local mob which leads her to the discovery of...

Les dents de la nuit, Stephen Cafiero, Vincent Lobelle, 2008