Filmography from : John Amos
Actor :

Raising Jeffrey Dahmer, Rich Ambler, 2006

"The Facts About Mr. Valdeman." A woman's husband is on his deathbed, and a psychiatrist with whom she's having an affair hypnotizes him so they can get him to sign all his money over to his wife before he dies. The husband dies when he is still in a trance and becomes stuck between the two worlds, and seeks revenge and release. "The Black Cat." A forensic photographer resents his girlfriend bringing a stray cat home. He dispatches the little...

Une anthropologue part à la recherche d'une tribu pygmée perdue au fin fond de la brousse. Pour ce faire, elle s'assure les services d'un pilote « grande gueule », buveur de whisky et casse-cou de surcroît. Après un atterrissage forcé dans la jungle, nos deux héros se dirigent vers un poste de garde. Murs hauts, lourdes portes, atmosphère pesante... À la nuit tombée, l'exploratrice est enlevée par des monstres aux yeux incandescents...

A sword-and-sorcery fantasy about a young man's search for revenge. Armed with supernatural powers, the handsome hero and his animal allies wage war against marauding forces....

Melvin Van Peebles wrote, directed, produced, edited, composed and starred in this powerful and inflammatory attack on White America. After the body of a black man is discovered, Sweetback helps two white 'acquaintances' in the police force to look good by agreeing to go with them to the station as a suspect. But he is forced to go on the run after brutally attacking the two policemen when they arrest and beat up a young black man....