Huge advancements in scientific technology have enabled a mogul to create an island full of living dinosaurs. John Hammond has invited four individuals, along with his two grandchildren, to join him at Jurassic Park. But will everything go to plan? Especially when one of the parks' own workers attempts to steal the dinosaur embryos, and has to shut down critical security systems in the process. It's now a race for survival with dangerous creatures roaming all over the island.
Original Title : JURASSIC PARK
Director(s) : Steven Spielberg
Writer(s) : Michael Crichton (screenplay by) and, David Koepp (screenplay by), , Michael Crichton (based on the novel by)
Genre(s) : Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi
Length : 2 hs 7 minYear : 1993Country : United StatesCoulor : ColorRatio : 1.85 : 1US Release : 1993-06-11Aka(s) :
(original title) - Jurassic Park
Argentina - Jurassic Park
Australia - Jurassic Park
Azerbaijan - Yura dövrü parkı
Brazil - Jurassic Park - Parque dos Dinossauros(poster title)
Brazil - Jurassic Park: O Parque dos Dinossauros
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Brazil - Parque dos Dinossauros
Bulgaria - Джурасик парк
Canada - Jurassic Park
Canada - Le parc jurassique
China - 侏罗纪公园
Croatia - Jurski park
Czech Republic - Jurský park
Denmark - Jurassic Park
Ecuador - Parque Jurásico
Egypt - Jurassic Park
Finland - Jurassic Park
Finland - Jurassic Park - Collector's Edition
France - Jurassic Park
Germany - Jurassic Park
Greece - Jurassic Park
Hong Kong - 侏羅紀公園
Hong Kong - Zhuluoji gongyuan
Hungary - Jurassic Park
India - Jurassic Park
India - Jurassic Park
India - Jurassic Park
India - जुरासिक पार्क
India - Jurassic Park
India - Jurassic Park
India - Jurassic Park
Indonesia - Jurassic Park
Ireland - Jurassic Park
Israel - Park Ha-Yura
Italy - Jurassic Park
Japan - Jurashikku pâku
Japan - Jurassic Park
Japan - ジュラシック・パーク
Kazakhstan - Юра кезеңінің саябағы
Kazakhstan - Парк юрского периода
Latvia - Juras laikmeta parks
Lithuania - Juros periodo parkas
Mexico - Jurassic Park
Mexico - Parque jurásico
Netherlands - Jurassic Park
Norway - Jurassic Park
Philippines - Jurassic Park
Poland - Jurassic Park
Poland - Jurassic Park 3D
Poland - Park Jurajski
Portugal - Parque Jurássico
Romania - Jurassic Park
Russia - Парк юрского периода
Serbia - Парк из доба јуре
Singapore - Jurassic Park
Slovakia - Jurský park
(original title) - Jurassic Park
Argentina - Jurassic Park
Australia - Jurassic Park
Azerbaijan - Yura dövrü parkı
Brazil - Jurassic Park - Parque dos Dinossauros(poster title)
Brazil - Jurassic Park: O Parque dos Dinossauros
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Brazil - Parque dos Dinossauros
Bulgaria - Джурасик парк
Canada - Jurassic Park
Canada - Le parc jurassique
China - 侏罗纪公园
Croatia - Jurski park
Czech Republic - Jurský park
Denmark - Jurassic Park
Ecuador - Parque Jurásico
Egypt - Jurassic Park
Finland - Jurassic Park
Finland - Jurassic Park - Collector's Edition
France - Jurassic Park
Germany - Jurassic Park
Greece - Jurassic Park
Hong Kong - 侏羅紀公園
Hong Kong - Zhuluoji gongyuan
Hungary - Jurassic Park
India - Jurassic Park
India - Jurassic Park
India - Jurassic Park
India - जुरासिक पार्क
India - Jurassic Park
India - Jurassic Park
India - Jurassic Park
Indonesia - Jurassic Park
Ireland - Jurassic Park
Israel - Park Ha-Yura
Italy - Jurassic Park
Japan - Jurashikku pâku
Japan - Jurassic Park
Japan - ジュラシック・パーク
Kazakhstan - Юра кезеңінің саябағы
Kazakhstan - Парк юрского периода
Latvia - Juras laikmeta parks
Lithuania - Juros periodo parkas
Mexico - Jurassic Park
Mexico - Parque jurásico
Netherlands - Jurassic Park
Norway - Jurassic Park
Philippines - Jurassic Park
Poland - Jurassic Park
Poland - Jurassic Park 3D
Poland - Park Jurajski
Portugal - Parque Jurássico
Romania - Jurassic Park
Russia - Парк юрского периода
Serbia - Парк из доба јуре
Singapore - Jurassic Park
Slovakia - Jurský park
Actors :
Sam Neill Grant
Laura Dern Ellie
Jeff Goldblum Malcolm
Richard Attenborough Hammond
Bob Peck Muldoon
Martin Ferrero Gennaro
BD Wong Wu (as B D Wong)
Joseph Mazzello Tim
Ariana Richards Lex
Samuel L Jackson Arnold
Wayne Knight Nedry
Gerald R Molen Harding (as Jerry Molen)
Miguel Sandoval Rostagno
Cameron Thor Dodgson
Christopher John Fields Volunteer #1
Whit Flint Volunteer Boy (as Whitby Hertford)
Dean Cundey Mate
Jophery C Brown Worker in Raptor Pen (as Jophery Brown)
Tom Mishler Helicopter Pilot
Greg Burson Mr DNA (voice)
Adrian Escober Worker at Amber Mine
Richard Kiley Jurassic Park Tour Voice (voice)
James Berlau Bald Man (uncredited)
Brad M Bucklin Lab Technician (uncredited)
Laura Burnett Archeologist (uncredited)
Michael Lantieri Customer at San Jose restaurant (uncredited)
Gary Rodriguez Miner - Dug Out Mosquito (uncredited)
Lata Ryan Control Room technician (uncredited)
Devin Schumacher Lab Technician (uncredited)
Brian Smrz Driver of Grant, Sattler & Malcolm's Jeep (uncredited)
Rip Lee Walker Raptor #1 (uncredited)
Robert 'Bobby Z' Zajonc InGen Helicopter Pilot (uncredited)
Sam Neill Grant
Laura Dern Ellie
Jeff Goldblum Malcolm
Richard Attenborough Hammond
Bob Peck Muldoon
Martin Ferrero Gennaro
BD Wong Wu (as B D Wong)
Joseph Mazzello Tim
Ariana Richards Lex
Samuel L Jackson Arnold
Wayne Knight Nedry
Gerald R Molen Harding (as Jerry Molen)
Miguel Sandoval Rostagno
Cameron Thor Dodgson
Christopher John Fields Volunteer #1
Whit Flint Volunteer Boy (as Whitby Hertford)
Dean Cundey Mate
Jophery C Brown Worker in Raptor Pen (as Jophery Brown)
Tom Mishler Helicopter Pilot
Greg Burson Mr DNA (voice)
Adrian Escober Worker at Amber Mine
Richard Kiley Jurassic Park Tour Voice (voice)
James Berlau Bald Man (uncredited)
Brad M Bucklin Lab Technician (uncredited)
Laura Burnett Archeologist (uncredited)
Michael Lantieri Customer at San Jose restaurant (uncredited)
Gary Rodriguez Miner - Dug Out Mosquito (uncredited)
Lata Ryan Control Room technician (uncredited)
Devin Schumacher Lab Technician (uncredited)
Brian Smrz Driver of Grant, Sattler & Malcolm's Jeep (uncredited)
Rip Lee Walker Raptor #1 (uncredited)
Robert 'Bobby Z' Zajonc InGen Helicopter Pilot (uncredited)
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