The story follows two groups of people — one, a group of students, the other, a group of criminals — who are shipwrecked on an island by a giant shark. The island was once used for illegal drilling, and the oil company inadvertantly released the giant shark from its slumber.
Original Title : JURASSIC SHARK
Director(s) : Brett Kelly
Writer(s) : Brett Kelly (additional dialogue), Brett Kelly (story), David A Lloyd, Trevor Payer (additional dialogue)
Genre(s) : Action,Adventure,Comedy
Length : 1 h 18 minYear : 2012Langage : English (United States)Coulor : ColorRatio : 1.78 : 1French Release : 2013-07-16US Release : 2013-08-14Aka(s) :
(original title) - Jurassic Shark
Argentina - Jurassic shark
Australia - Jurassic Shark
Brazil - Jurassic Shark
Canada - Attack of the Jurassic Shark
Canada - Le Requin du Jurassique
Czech Republic - Útoky jurských žraloků
France - Jurassic Shark: Terreur des mers
Germany - Jurassic Shark
Greece - Jurassic Shark
India - Jurassic Shark
India - जुरासिक शार्क
Ireland - Jurassic Shark
Japan - Jurassic Shark
Japan - ジュラシック・シャーク
Russia - Акула Юрского периода
Spain - Jurassic Shark
Thailand - Jurassic Shark
United Kingdom - Jurassic Shark
United States - Jurassic Shark
(original title) - Jurassic Shark
Argentina - Jurassic shark
Australia - Jurassic Shark
Brazil - Jurassic Shark
Canada - Attack of the Jurassic Shark
Canada - Le Requin du Jurassique
Czech Republic - Útoky jurských žraloků
France - Jurassic Shark: Terreur des mers
Germany - Jurassic Shark
Greece - Jurassic Shark
India - Jurassic Shark
India - जुरासिक शार्क
Ireland - Jurassic Shark
Japan - Jurassic Shark
Japan - ジュラシック・シャーク
Russia - Акула Юрского периода
Spain - Jurassic Shark
Thailand - Jurassic Shark
United Kingdom - Jurassic Shark
United States - Jurassic Shark
Actors :
Emanuelle Carriere Jill
Christine Emes Tia
Celine Filion Kristen
Angela Parent Barb
Duncan Milloy Rich
Phil Dukarsky Doug
Kyle Martellacci Mike
Joshua Gilbert Crosby Jack
Kevin Preece Jerry
Jurgen Vollrath Dr Lincoln Grant
Sarah Mosher Tiffany
Kala Gray Brittany
Sherry Thurig Scientist
Jody Haucke Chairman
Darren Stevens Fisherman 1
Ian Quick Fisherman 2
Kimberly Wolfe Beer Girl
Emanuelle Carriere Jill
Christine Emes Tia
Celine Filion Kristen
Angela Parent Barb
Duncan Milloy Rich
Phil Dukarsky Doug
Kyle Martellacci Mike
Joshua Gilbert Crosby Jack
Kevin Preece Jerry
Jurgen Vollrath Dr Lincoln Grant
Sarah Mosher Tiffany
Kala Gray Brittany
Sherry Thurig Scientist
Jody Haucke Chairman
Darren Stevens Fisherman 1
Ian Quick Fisherman 2
Kimberly Wolfe Beer Girl
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