test L'uccello dalle piume di cristalloa L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo (1970) - Dario Argento

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L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo


In Italy, the American writer Sam Dalmas witnesses an attempt of murder of the owner of an art gallery, Monica Ranieri, a couple of days before returning home. Inspector Morosini, who is in charge of investigating the three previous murderers of the serial-killer, asks for help to Dalmas and takes his passport. Dalmas decides to stay with his girlfriend Julia and to help the police in the investigation. The killer threatens Dalmas and Julia by phone and the police overhears a strange noise in the tape. Soon the serial killer stalks Julia and Damas. Who might be the killer?

Director(s) :
Writer(s) :
Genre(s) : Horror,Mystery,Thriller
Length : 1 h 36 minYear : 1970Langage : English (United States)Coulor : ColorRatio : 2.35 : 1French Release : 2023-07-12US Release : 2022-06-17
Aka(s) :
(original title) - L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo
Argentina - El pájaro de las plumas de cristal
Australia - The Bird with the Crystal Plumage
Belgium - De sadist met zwarte handschoenen(Dutch)
Belgium - De messen moorden(Flemish, video box title)
Belgium - Le sadique aux gants noirs

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Brazil - As Plumas de Cristal
Brazil - O Pássaro das Plumas de Cristal
Bulgaria - Птицата със стъклените криле
Canada - The Bird with the Crystal Plumage
Croatia - Ptica s kristalnim perjem
Czech Republic - Pták s křišťálovým peřím: Přízrak teroru
Denmark - Fuglen med krystalfjerpragten
Ecuador - L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo
Finland - Kuoleman lintu
Finland - Paratiisilinnun arvoitus
Finland - Dödens fågel
Finland - Paradisfågelns hemlighet
France - L'oiseau au plumage de cristal
Germany - Das Geheimnis der schwarzen Handschuhe
Greece - To pouli me ta krystallenia ftera
Greece - Το πουλί με τα κρυσταλλένια φτερά
Hong Kong - Flower Destroyer
Hong Kong - Cui hua shou
Hong Kong - 摧花手
Hungary - Kristálytollú madár
Ireland - The Gallery Murders
Italy - L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo
Japan - Yorokobi no kiba
Japan - 歓びの毒牙
Mexico - El pájaro de las plumas de cristal
Netherlands - Vogel met kristallen pluim
Norway - Fuglen med krystallfjærene
Peru - El pájaro de las plumas de cristal
Poland - Ptak o kryształowym upierzeniu
Portugal - O Pássaro com Plumas de Cristal
Romania - Pasărea cu pene de cristal
Soviet Union - Птица с хрустальным оперением
Spain - El pájaro de las plumas de cristal
Sweden - Ljudet från kristallfågeln
Sweden - Svarta handsken
Turkey - Kristal kanatlı kuş
United Kingdom - The Bird with the Crystal Plumage
United Kingdom - The Gallery Murders
United States - The Bird with the Crystal Plumage
United States - Point of Terror
United States - The Phantom of Terror
West Germany - Das Geheimnis der schwarzen Handschuhe
World-wide - The Bird with the Crystal Plumage
World-wide - Bird with the Glass Feathers
Yugoslavia - Tajna crne rukavice
Actors :
Sam Dalmas
Inspector Morosini
Monica Ranieri
Alberto Ranieri
Professor Carlo Dover (as Raf Valenti)
Berto Consalvi
4th Victim (as Rosa Toros)
Police Detective
Police Detective
Antique Dealer
Tina, 5th Victim
Girl watching TV
Police Detective
Murderer's Hands (uncredited)
Pervert #1 (uncredited)
Man watching Television on the Street (uncredited)
Passerby who Calls the Police (uncredited)
Ex Boxer's Convention Attendee (uncredited)
Fruit Vendor (uncredited)
Professor Rinaldi (uncredited)
TV Presenter (uncredited)
Paramedical at Incident (uncredited)
Police Agent #1 (uncredited)
Street Cleaner (uncredited)
Mario Zandri (uncredited)
Needles, Yellow Jacket Assassin (uncredited)
Sandra Roversi, 3rd Victim (uncredited)
Police Agent #2 (uncredited)
Old Lady in Fog (uncredited)
Luccello dalle piume di cristallo

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