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"LA HORA FRIA" "LA HORA FRÍA" ("The Dark Hour" ) will be released in Spain next september.



"LA HORA FRÍA" ("The Dark Hour" ) will be released in Spain next september.

LA HORA FRIA LA HORA FRÍA The Dark Hour  will be released in Spain next september "LA HORA FRIA", will be finally released in Spain next september 14th by catalan distributor Baditri.

Seven adults and two children live together in a few rooms of a huge building. They cannot or don't want to leave the building. But there is not much food and supplies are running short. According to an old man who lives apart from the community and who takes care of all repairs, everything started during the last great war. Chemical weapons were used that converted most of the population into mindless, sick beings, whose touch alone could be lethal. The infected are called "strangers" and they wander around the building, trying to get in. Then there are the "invisibles", another terrible mutation from the war. These creatures are already in the building. No one can see them. Their presence can only be detected because they make the temperature fall below zero degrees. When the strangers manage to penetrate the building, the small community must fight for their lives.

The Cold Hour is not only a horror film, it is also an exercise in style. One location and a dedicated team of actors are all that is used to disturb, frighten and entertain the audience. This means that terror will come from suggestion and our emotional involvement with the characters will come from our identification with their hopes and fears within an enclosed space. Starring Silke (Tierra, Tuno Negro), Jorge Casalduero (The City of No Limits) and Pepo Oliva (Todo por la Pasta, Celos).

"LA HORA FRIA", has been written and directad by Elio Quiroga, with Margaret Nicoll as associate producer, and has been shot in digital cinematography, with Jérôme Debève and Juan A. Ruiz as visual effects supervisors in La Huella FX. Luis Sánchez Gijón is the editor. The film had a strong postproduction visual effects work with Régis Barbey as color timer and Angel Luis Fernández as DOP (Fernandez has worked for spanish directors Pedro Almodóvar, Fernando Trueba or Víctor Erice). Pablo Fernández Valbuena, winner of the GgTalk CG Choice Award has been the creature designer.

The film cast: Silke, Nadia de Santiago ("Alatriste"), Omar Muñoz ("Ausentes"), Julio Perillán ("Frágil", "Moscow Zero"), Pepo Oliva ("Héctor"), Jorge Casalduero ("En la Ciudad sin Límites"), Sergio Villanueva ("La Luz Prodigiosa"), y Pablo Scola ("La Luna en Botella"). Washington born Julio Perillán has been selected by Woody Allen for "Midnight in Barcelona", with Javier Bardem, Penélope Cruz and Scarlett Johansson.

"La Hora Fria" has been sold to 10 countries by Lightning Entertainment.

Trailer :


Synopsis : A group of eight people live isolated in crumbling installations. They cannot abandon the complex and they live in a constant state of vigilance. The food supplies are running out and they urgently need medicines and ammunitions, but in order to find them they must abandon the secure area. What lurks outside the small area they inhabit, however, is so menacing that they dare not even speak of it.

French Release : 2008-10-11 | US Release : 2007-10-12

Source : Oh My Gore !

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