test Labyrintha Labyrinth (1986) - Jim Henson

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15-year-old Sarah accidentally wishes her baby half-brother, Toby, away to the Goblin King Jareth who will keep Toby if Sarah does not complete his Labyrinth in 13 hours.

Original Title : LABYRINTH
Director(s) :
Writer(s) :
Genre(s) : Adventure,Family,Fantasy
Length : 1 h 41 minYear : 1986Langage : English (United States)Coulor : ColorRatio : 2.39 : 1French Release : 1986-12-03US Release : 1986-06-27
Aka(s) :
(original title) - Labyrinth
Argentina - Laberinto
Australia - Labyrinth
Brazil - Labirinto: A Magia do Tempo
Bulgaria - Лабиринт(Bulgarian)
Canada - Labyrinth

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Canada - Labyrinthe
Chile - Laberinto
China - 魔幻迷宫
Croatia - Labirint
Denmark - Labyrinten
Denmark - Labyrinten til troldkongens slot
Ecuador - Labyrinth
Finland - Labyrintti
Finland - Labyrint
France - Labyrinthe
Germany - Die Reise ins Labyrinth
Greece - Lavyrinthos
Greece - Λαβύρινθος
Hong Kong - Labyrinth
Hungary - Fantasztikus labirintus
Iceland - Völundarhús
India - Maze
India - भूलभुलैया
Indonesia - Labyrinth
Israel - Labyrinth
Italy - Labyrinth - Dove tutto è possibile
Japan - ラビリンス 魔王の迷宮
Latvia - Labirints
Lithuania - Labirintas
Mexico - Laberinto
Netherlands - Labyrinth
Peru - Laberinto
Philippines - Labyrinth
Poland - Labirynt
Portugal - Labirinto
Russia - Лабиринт
Serbia - Лавиринт
Singapore - Labyrinth
South Africa - Labyrinth
South Korea - Labyrinth
Soviet Union - Лабиринт
Spain - Dentro del laberinto
Spain - Laberint
Sweden - Labyrint
Taiwan - 魔王迷宮
Thailand - Labyrinth
Turkey - Labirent
Ukraine - Лабіринт
United Kingdom - Labyrinth
United States - Labyrinth
United States - Laberinto
Actors :
Hoggle /Goblin (voice)
Ludo /Firey 2 /Goblin (voice)
Ludo /Firey 3
Didymus /The Hat /The Four Guards /Left Door Knocker /Firey 3 (voice)
Didymus /Firey 1 (as David Barclay)
Didymus /The Hat /The Four Guards /Goblin (voice)
The Worm /The Junk Lady /Firey 2
The Worm /The Four Guards /Goblin (voice)
The Wiseman
The Wiseman (voice)
The Junk Lady (voice)
The Four Guards /Firey 4 /Ambrosius (voice)
The Four Guards /Firey 1 /Ambrosius (voice)
The Four Guards /Right Door Knocker /Firey 5
The Four Guards /Goblin (voice)
The Four Guards /Goblin (voice)
Right Door Knocker (voice)
Left Door Knocker (voice)
Firey 1
Firey 2
Firey 2 (voice)
Firey 3
Firey 3 /Firey 4 (voice)
Firey 4
Firey 4 (as Kevin Bradshaw)
Firey 5
Firey 5
Firey 5 (voice)
Ambrosius (voice)
Goblin (voice)
Goblin (voice)
Goblin (voice) (as John Bluthel)
Goblin (voice)
Goblin (voice)
Goblin Corps
Goblin Corps
Goblin Corps
Goblin Corps
Goblin Corps
Goblin Corps
Goblin Corps
Goblin Corps
Goblin Corps
Goblin Corps
Goblin Corps
Goblin Corps
Goblin Corps
Goblin Corps
Goblin Corps
Goblin Corps
Goblin Corps
Goblin Corps
Goblin Corps
Goblin Corps
Goblin Corps
Goblin Corps
Ballroom Dancer
Ballroom Dancer
Ballroom Dancer
Ballroom Dancer
Ballroom Dancer
Ballroom Dancer
Ballroom Dancer
Ballroom Dancer
Ballroom Dancer
Ballroom Dancer
Ballroom Dancer
Ballroom Dancer
Ballroom Dancer
Ballroom Dancer
Ballroom Dancer
Ballroom Dancer
Ballroom Dancer (as Douglas Howes)
Ballroom Dancer
Ballroom Dancer
Ballroom Dancer
Ballroom Dancer
Ballroom Dancer
Ballroom Dancer
Ballroom Dancer
Stepmother (voice) (uncredited)
Goblin Corps (uncredited)
Goblins (uncredited)
Out-Stretched Hand (uncredited)
Goblin (voice) (uncredited)
Goblin (voice) (uncredited)
Goblin (voice) (uncredited)
Goblin (voice) (uncredited)

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