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Filmography from Lee Hee Joon

Filmography from : Lee Hee Joon

Actor :

E html>if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'LoadTitle', {wb: 1}); }window.addEventListener('load', (event) => { if (typeof window.csa !== 'undefined' && typeof window.csa === 'function') { var csaLatencyPlugin = window.csa('Content', { element: { slo, Na Hong-jin, 0
The story of a cab driver in Yanji City, a region between North Korea, China and Russia. His wife goes to Korea to earn money, but he doesn't hear from her since in 6 months. He plays mah-jong to make some extra cash, but this only makes hif life worse; but then he meets a hitman who proposes to turn his life around by repaying his debt and reuniting with his wife, just for one hit....

E html>if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'LoadTitle', {wb: 1}); }window.addEventListener('load', (event) => { if (typeof window.csa !== 'undefined' && typeof window.csa === 'function') { var csaLatencyPlugin = window.csa('Content', { element: { slo, Ryoo Seung-wan, 0
In 2010, South Koreans are terrified by a series of murders targeting children. The police fail repeatedly to capture the killer. Finally, the Korean President becomes directly involved in the case. The cops, feeling pressure from all sides, pursue a possible suspect, but the suspect is shot to death by the cops. To avoid another dead end and any further heat, the National Police Agency wants to target another person, any plausible person, and...

E html>if(typeof uet === 'function'){ uet('bb', 'LoadTitle', {wb: 1}); }window.addEventListener('load', (event) => { if (typeof window.csa !== 'undefined' && typeof window.csa === 'function') { var csaLatencyPlugin = window.csa('Content', { element: { slo, Kim Sung-su, 0
The worst epidemic ever seen is sweeping through Bundang, the suburb of Seoul. After smuggling illegal immigrants into the country, Byung-woo dies from an unknown virus. Soon after that, the same symptoms are plaguing scores of residents in Bundang. People are helpless against the airborne disease and the number of infected increases quickly, spreading chaos. As the worst-case scenario precaution, the city of half a million people, just 19...