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Filmography from Lily Li

Filmography from : Lily Li

Actor :

You gui zi, Meng-Hua Ho, 1976
A cripple takes revenge on criminals by using a magic spell that transforms him into an oily monster/superhero....

Gou hun jiang tou, Meng-Hua Ho (as Horace Menga), 1976
Doctors dealing with patients noticed something weird going on, such as zombies with spikes in their heads and when removed, they melt down, patients vomiting up worms, spontaneous combustions, exploding bodies, demon fetuses and the disappearance of women. A male-witch is responsible for all these calamities going on, but no other doctors believe this, until someone must go out there and stop him and prove that he caused all the gory, bizarre...

Shatter, Michael Carreras, Monte Hellman (fired after 66% filming) (uncredited), 1974