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Los cronocrímenes


Hector (Karra Elejalde) has just moved into his dream country home with wife (Candela Fernandez). He is relaxing on a lawn chair outside of his new home surveying the nearby hillside through a pair of binoculars, when he catches sight of what appears to be a nude woman amidst the trees. Hiking up to investigate, he is attacked by a sinister figure whose head is wrapped in a grotesque, pink bandage. Fleeing in terror, he takes refuge in a laboratory atop the hill, where a lone attendant (director Nacho Vigalondo) ushers him in to a peculiar scientific contraption. He emerges what seems to be moments later, only to find that he has traveled back hours in time, setting in motion a brain-twisting, horrifying chain of events when he inadvertently runs into himself.

Original Title : LOS CRONOCRíMENES
Director(s) :
Writer(s) :
Genre(s) : Horror,Mystery,Sci-Fi
Length : 1 h 32 minYear : 2007Country : SpainLangage : SpanishCoulor : ColorRatio : 1.85 : 1French Release : 2009-03-04US Release : 2013-09-26
Aka(s) :
(original title) - Los cronocrímenes
Australia - Timecrimes
Brazil - Crimes Temporais
Canada - Timecrimes
Canada - Time Crimes
Croatia - Vremenski zločini

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Czech Republic - Uvezneni v case
Ecuador - Los cronocrímenes
Finland - Timecrimes
France - Timecrimes
Germany - Timecrimes
Germany - Time Crimes
Germany - Timecrimes - Mord ist nur eine Frage der Zeit
Greece - Eglimata sto hrono
Greece - Εγκλήματα στο χρόνο
Hungary - Időbűnök
India - Los cronocrímenes
India - Timecrimes
Italy - Timecrimes
Japan - TIME CRIMES タイム クライムス
Lithuania - Laiko nusikaltimai
Mexico - Rewind
Netherlands - Timecrimes
Poland - Zbrodnie czasu
Portugal - Os Cronocrimes
Russia - Временная петля
Serbia - Временски злочини
Spain - Los cronocrímenes
Spain - Els cronocrims
Sweden - Timecrimes
Taiwan - 時間殺人
Turkey - Suç Zamanı
Ukraine - Петля часу
United Kingdom - Timecrimes
United States - Timecrimes
Vietnam - Tội Ác Xoay Vòng
World-wide - Timecrimes
Actors :
La Chica en el Bosque
El Joven
Héctor Ocasional (as Ion Inciarte)
Los cronocrímenes

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