Filmography from : Louie Lawless
Actor :

Small-town crook Cody (Mike Dwyer, "Sandbar") was at the end of his rope when a mysterious stranger offered him the chance of his life. There was just one catch - in this game he would have to wager everything, including his life. Cody finds himself trapped amongst a band of outsiders and misfits - all fighting for their lives and a slice of the American dream. Fueled by a horde of masked sadists, Cody and the others will win a fortune or die a...

Marty is the ideal fifth grader. He gets good grades, listens to his teachers, and doesn’t start trouble in class. But a darkness is beginning to fall over Marty’s life. The kids at school won’t stop picking on him, his parents just don’t seem to understand him, and now Marty must grapple with a terrible secret that threatens to destroy life as he knows it — his big brother is a serial killer! Brotherly love is put to the ultimate test...

A space ship gets lost and is forced to make an emergency landing on an unknown planet. The planet looks much like earth, only with no trace of civilization. Soon the crew discovers that there are dinosaurs on the planet, and blood-thirsty buggers at that. The crew hopes to be found and rescued, but they have to struggle to survive until then. ...