The film tells the story of twin brothers Patrick and Carol Darling, newly graduated from high school and struggling to come to terms with the mysterious disappearance of their friend, the bright and beautiful Wendy Hearst. When a drive through the countryside surrounding their posh suburban community leads to the discovery of Wendy's mysteriously animated corpse, the boys secretly transport the zombie Wendy to an empty house in hopes of somehow bringing her back to life. As the sweltering summer pushes on, they must maintain the appearance of normalcy for their friends and family as they search for ways to revive the Wendy they once knew or, failing that, to satisfy their own quests for love amongst the living and the dead.
Director(s) : Deagol Brothers, Andrew Duensing (as The Deagol Brothers)
Writer(s) : Deagol Brothers (written by), Cody DeVos (written by), Eric Lehning (written by)
Genre(s) : Comedy,Fantasy,Horror
Length : 1 h 45 minYear : 2008Country : United StatesLangage : EnglishCoulor : ColorRatio : 1.78 : 1French Release : 2009-10-30US Release : 2010-11-30Aka(s) :
(original title) - Make-Out with Violence
Argentina - Hazlo con violencia(Festival Title)
Canada - Make-Out with Violence
France - Zombie Lover(DVD Title)
France - Zombie Lover
Germany - Küss mich, Zombie!(DVD Title)
Germany - Küss mich, Zombie!
Greece - Aionia erotevmenos
Italy - Zombie Lover
Mexico - Besarse con violencia
Portugal - Objecto de Obsessão
Russia - Моя девушка - зомби
Spain - Hazlo con violencia
United Kingdom - Make-Out with Violence
United States - Make-Out with Violence
United States - Wendy, Darling
(original title) - Make-Out with Violence
Argentina - Hazlo con violencia(Festival Title)
Canada - Make-Out with Violence
France - Zombie Lover(DVD Title)
France - Zombie Lover
Germany - Küss mich, Zombie!(DVD Title)
Germany - Küss mich, Zombie!
Greece - Aionia erotevmenos
Italy - Zombie Lover
Mexico - Besarse con violencia
Portugal - Objecto de Obsessão
Russia - Моя девушка - зомби
Spain - Hazlo con violencia
United Kingdom - Make-Out with Violence
United States - Make-Out with Violence
United States - Wendy, Darling
Actors :
Brett Miller Beetle Darling
Shellie Marie Shartzer Wendy Hearst
David Fuqua Guru
Zach Duensing Hunter #1
Gail Sparks Hunter #2
Mike Luckett The Trespasser
Cody DeVos Carol Darling
Eric Lehning Patrick Darling
Jack Doyle Mr Darling
Jordan Lehning Rody Carrigan
Patricia Doyle Mrs Carrigan
David Mead Mr Carrigan
Leah High Addy Greer
Sharon Jones Chaperone
Dale Rainey Janie Carlise
Ryan Roshangah Freshman Girl #1
Steve Duensing Mr Hearst
Janet Ivey Mrs Hearst
Josh Duensing Brian Zimmermann
Tia Shearer Anne Haran
Bob King Preacher
Beth Olson Office Worker
Cheri Glor Librarian
Aaron Miller Laundromat Guy
Amanda Jones Party Singer
Lauren Sandidge Ann Ferguson
Erin Plew Freshman Girl #2
Devon Miller Freshman Girl #3
Blake Williams Dancing Girl
Chris Edgerton Gator
Joy Buongiorno Tennis Girl
Hailey Collier Tennis Girl
Rachel Cresswell Tennis Girl
Skylar Devos Skater
Joel McAnulty Fall Formal - Party Band
Serai McAnulty Fall Formal - Party Band
David Carney Fall Formal - Party Band
Joey Andrews Fall Formal - Party Band
Jasmin Kaset BSG
Cori Snider BSG
Amanda Bailey Donna Carrigan
Kevin Doyle The Professor
Alexandra Huff Anne Haran's Sister
Beau McCombs Shades
Rebel Mollura Wendy Hearst (voice)
John Silvestro Anne Haran's Dad
Hester Wei Party Goer
Lori D Hall Anne Haran's Mom (uncredited)
Tammy Kirby Mourner (uncredited)
Marshall Weber Party Dude (uncredited)
Brett Miller Beetle Darling
Shellie Marie Shartzer Wendy Hearst
David Fuqua Guru
Zach Duensing Hunter #1
Gail Sparks Hunter #2
Mike Luckett The Trespasser
Cody DeVos Carol Darling
Eric Lehning Patrick Darling
Jack Doyle Mr Darling
Jordan Lehning Rody Carrigan
Patricia Doyle Mrs Carrigan
David Mead Mr Carrigan
Leah High Addy Greer
Sharon Jones Chaperone
Dale Rainey Janie Carlise
Ryan Roshangah Freshman Girl #1
Steve Duensing Mr Hearst
Janet Ivey Mrs Hearst
Josh Duensing Brian Zimmermann
Tia Shearer Anne Haran
Bob King Preacher
Beth Olson Office Worker
Cheri Glor Librarian
Aaron Miller Laundromat Guy
Amanda Jones Party Singer
Lauren Sandidge Ann Ferguson
Erin Plew Freshman Girl #2
Devon Miller Freshman Girl #3
Blake Williams Dancing Girl
Chris Edgerton Gator
Joy Buongiorno Tennis Girl
Hailey Collier Tennis Girl
Rachel Cresswell Tennis Girl
Skylar Devos Skater
Joel McAnulty Fall Formal - Party Band
Serai McAnulty Fall Formal - Party Band
David Carney Fall Formal - Party Band
Joey Andrews Fall Formal - Party Band
Jasmin Kaset BSG
Cori Snider BSG
Amanda Bailey Donna Carrigan
Kevin Doyle The Professor
Alexandra Huff Anne Haran's Sister
Beau McCombs Shades
Rebel Mollura Wendy Hearst (voice)
John Silvestro Anne Haran's Dad
Hester Wei Party Goer
Lori D Hall Anne Haran's Mom (uncredited)
Tammy Kirby Mourner (uncredited)
Marshall Weber Party Dude (uncredited)
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