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MARTYRS (2008)

INFO | REVIEW(S) | PHOTOS (67) | NEWS (1) | DVDS (2) | VIDEOS (6)
France. A night at the beginning of the 1970s. Lucie, a little girl missing for over a year, is discovered wandering by the side of a country road. Near catatonic, she can say nothing about what has happened to her.

The cops quickly find the place in which she's been incarcerated - a disused slaughterhouse. Every indication is that she never once left the empty, freezing room in which she was imprisoned. Filthy, starving, dehydrated, the child's body nonetheless bears no traces of sexual abuse - this was no pedophile abduction, but something far stranger. What happened in that icy room? And how did Lucie escape?

Original Title : MARTYRS
Director(s) :
Writer(s) :
Genre(s) : Horror
Length : 1 h 39 minYear : 2008Langage : English (United States)Coulor : ColorRatio : 1.85 : 1French Release : 2009-03-04US Release : 2009-04-28
Aka(s) :
(original title) - Martyrs
Argentina - Mártires
Australia - Martyrs
Brazil - Mártires
Bulgaria - Мъченици(Bulgarian)
Canada - Martyrs

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Canada - Martyrs
China - 殉道者
China - 殉难者
China - 烈士
Croatia - Mučenice
Czech Republic - Mucednici
Ecuador - Martyrs
Egypt - Martyrs
Estonia - Tunnistajad
Finland - Marttyyrit
France - Martyrs
Germany - Martyrs
Greece - Martyres
Greece - Μάρτυρες
Hong Kong - Martyrs
Hungary - Mártírok
India - Martyrs
India - Martyrs
Indonesia - Martyrs
Israel - Martyrs
Italy - Martyrs
Japan - Mâtâzu
Japan - Martyrs
Japan - マーターズ(2007)
Lithuania - Kankiniai
Mexico - Mártires
Netherlands - Martyrs
Philippines - Martyrs
Poland - Martyrs: Skazani na strach
Portugal - Mártires
Romania - Martiri
Russia - Мученицы
Serbia - Мученице
Singapore - Martyrs
South Africa - Martyrs
South Korea - Martyrs
Spain - Martyrs
Sweden - Martyrs
Taiwan - 極限:殘殺煉獄
Thailand - Martyrs
Turkey - İşkence Odası
Ukraine - Мучениці
United Arab Emirates - Martyrs
United Kingdom - Martyrs
United States - Martyrs
United States - Mártires
Uruguay - Martyrs
Vietnam - Ký Ức Nguyền Rủa
Actors :
Le père
La mère
Antoine (as Xavier Dolan-Tadros)
Mère d'Anna (voice)
Lucie 10 ans
Anna 10 ans
La créature
La suppliciée
La femme bourreau
Femme de main
1er homme de main
Homme de main (as Jean-François Boudreault)
Homme de main
Homme de main
Homme de main
Homme de main
Vieil arrivant
Inspecteur (as Philippe Laugier)
Chauffeur Mademoiselle
Enfant institut

Be careful, every litigious comments will be deleted.
Millaa - /07/24 at 21:22
# 1

please, could u put that photo here where lucie and anna is kissing. I need it desperatly. Kissses :milla

BTW: Thanks for these photos!

His rating: 10/10
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