Filmography from : Matt Lewis
Actor :

When a misunderstood MONSTER stumbles into the small backwoods hillbilly town of BARNES FOLLY, it is up to DEPUTY JOHNSON (Gorbos), an inept, newly transplanted cop from the big city, to ease the terrified town and bring the Monster to justice. He forms a mismatch posse, including his slightly psychic girlfriend (Bell), the town’s only doctor (Muhammed), an odd woodsman (Gubbins), and Jeff, the hillbilliest of all hillbillies (Rodrick), to...

An ordinary man is abducted by malevolent aliens and turned into a drilling and killing machine. The aliens now are his master, and they tell him what to do. He drills and kills through sex charged teens, a lost rock band, and pretty much anyone else in his way. His puppet masters have a bigger plan for him, his mission is to end the human race....