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Meng long guo jiang


Tang Lung arrives in Rome to help his cousins in the restaurant business. They are being pressured to sell their property to the syndicate, who will stop at nothing to get what they want. When Tang arrives he poses a new threat to the syndicate, and they are unable to defeat him. The syndicate boss hires the best Japanese and European martial artists to fight Tang, but he easily finishes them off. The American martial artist Colt is hired and has a showdown with Tang in Rome's famous Colosseum.

Original Title : MENG LONG GUO JIANG
Director(s) :
Writer(s) :
Genre(s) : Action,Adventure,Comedy
Length : 1 h 39 minYear : 1972Country : Hong KongCoulor : ColorRatio : 2.35 : 1French Release : 2018-04-04US Release : 2007-01-08
Aka(s) :
(original title) - Meng long guo jiang
Argentina - El regreso del dragón
Australia - The Way of the Dragon
Belgium - De terugkeer van de draak(Flemish)
Belgium - La Fureur du dragon
Brazil - O Voo do Dragão
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Bulgaria - Пътят на Дракона
Canada - The Way of the Dragon
Canada - Meng Long Guo Jiang
Canada - Meng long guo jiang
Croatia - Na zmajevom putu/Na zmajevu putu
Czech Republic - Cesta draka
Czech Republic - Drak přichází
Denmark - Dragen slår til igen
Ecuador - Meng long guo jiang
Egypt - The Way of the Dragon
Europe - Fury of the Dragon
Finland - Lohikäärme
Finland - Lohikäärme
Finland - Lohikäärmeen tie
Finland - Lohikäärmeen tie
Finland - Way of the dragon
Finland - Drakens väg
France - La Fureur du dragon
Germany - Die Faust des Drachen
Germany - Die Todeskralle schlägt wieder zu
Greece - O kitrinos praktor enantion tis Mafias
Greece - Ο κίτρινος πράκτωρ εναντίον της μαφίας
Hong Kong - 猛龍過江
Hong Kong - Mang lung goh kong
Hong Kong - The Way of the Dragon
Hungary - A sárkány útja
Hungary - A sárkány visszatér
Hungary - A Sárkány visszatér
India - Meng Long Guo Jiang
India - The Way of the Dragon
Iran - Rah-e Ezhdeha
Italy - L'urlo di Chen terrorizza anche l'occidente
Japan - Doragon he no michi
Japan - 最後のブルース・リー ドラゴンへの道
Lithuania - Drakono sugrįžimas
Mexico - El dragón
Netherlands - The Way of the Dragon
Peru - El regreso del dragón
Poland - Droga smoka
Portugal - A Fúria do Dragão
Romania - Drumul dragonului
Serbia - Na zmajevom putu
Slovakia - Cesta draka
Slovenia - Na zmajevi poti
South Africa - The Way of the Dragon
Soviet Union - Путь дракона
Spain - El furor del dragón
Spain - El furour du dragon
Spain - La fúria del dragó
Sweden - Drakens väg
Actors :
Tang Lung
Chen Ching Hua
Ho (as Paul Wei Ping-Ao)
'Uncle' Wang (as Wang Chung Hsin)
Japanese Fighter (as Ing-Sik Whang)
Ah Quen
Italian Beauty
Robert (as Robert Chen)
The Big Boss
Quen (voice)
Thug (uncredited)
Bank Manager (uncredited)
Man at Airport (uncredited)
Man at Airport (uncredited)
Thug (uncredited)
Airport Waitress (uncredited)
Thug (uncredited)
Tang Lung (voice) (uncredited)
Restaurant Patron (uncredited)
'Uncle' Wang /Colt /Japanese fighter (voice) (uncredited)
Thug (uncredited)
Woman at Airport (uncredited)
Man at Airport (uncredited)
Thug (uncredited)
Restaurant Patron (uncredited)
Thug (uncredited)
Ho /Tony (voice) (uncredited)
Child at Airport (uncredited)
Thugs' Chief (uncredited)
Thug (uncredited)
Woman at Airport (uncredited)
Gunman (uncredited)
Meng long guo jiang

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