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Interview with Count Lyle - September 2004

Interview with Count Lyle - September 2004

1. Oh My Gore : "Which is your favourite movie and why ?"
My favorite horror movie would have to be "THE SHINING", Kubrick's version of course. I've always been a fan of psycho movies and I think Nicholson pulls it off superbly in this film.
2. Oh My Gore : "Which is the movie that you disliked the most and why ?"
I really thought that remake of "13 Ghosts" was terrible. I'm a fan of the William Castle films and I had a lot of hope for this one because I thought they could have really done something cool with it. The ghost effects are great, but the story and script were so stupid, I couldn't believe it. Such a waste.
3. Oh My Gore : "Who is your favourite director and why ?"
It's tough to name a favorite, but overall, I would have to say I like the work of Guillermo Del Toro. He's got a great visual eye for things.
4. Oh My Gore : "Who is your favourite actor and why ?
Jack Nicholson. He gives you the feeling that he really is crazy!
5. Oh My Gore : "Which scene scared you the most ?"
My favorite scene of all times is probably in "FRANKENSTEIN" where the monster first comes to life.
6. Oh My Gore : "Which band, according to you, symbolizes horror the best ?"
The Misfits.
7. Oh My Gore : "Which original Soundtrack do you like the most ?
"THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY". It ain't necessarily horror, but there's a hell of a lot of violence and blood in it.
8. Oh My Gore : "Which movie poster do you like the most ?
I like the old painted style posters and I love so many of them. To pick one of my favorites, I'd have to say the one for the cheesy horror movie, "EYEBALL".
9. Oh My Gore : "Freddy or Jason ?"
10. Oh My Gore : "What do you think about Oh My Gore ! ?"
Monstrously cool!


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