Interview with Digestor - October 2004
1. Oh My Gore : "Which is your favourite movie and why ?"
"MIDNIGHT MADNESS", because I'm a big fan of guys named Armpit.
2. Oh My Gore : "Which is the movie that you disliked the most and why ?"
"THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE". I hated it because I know that family, and they're nothing like they were in the movie.
3. Oh My Gore : "Who is your favourite director and why ?"
I don't have a favorite Producer, but I really like that what's his name's movies...Oh you know the guy...With the head and the arms...Lloyd Kaufman!
4. Oh My Gore : "Who is your favourite actor and why ?
I really like the chinese guy from "BARNEY MILLER".
5. Oh My Gore : "Which scene scared you the most ?"
The one Billy at Razorback threw at me as he escaped my lair. It struck me right in the head. I think it was a scene from "CITY LIMITS" starring Robbie Benson.
6. Oh My Gore : "Which band, according to you, symbolizes horror the best ?"
Duh, Ghoul!
7. Oh My Gore : "Which original Soundtrack do you like the most ?
8. Oh My Gore : "Which movie poster do you like the most ?
9. Oh My Gore : "Freddy or Jason ?"
10. Oh My Gore : "What do you think about Oh My Gore ! ?"
Very professional!
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