Interview with Charlie Clouser - November 2004
1. Oh My Gore : "Which is your favourite movie and why ?"
Kubrick's "THE SHINING"; it's a winner even outside of the horror genre. It's the boldest, harshest movie, and it's got it all: stark Kubrick direction and camera work, Jack Nicholson AND Scatman Crothers, and a score that cannot be topped, ever.
2. Oh My Gore : "Which is the movie that you disliked the most and why ?"
Anything with "CHUCKY" in it. Animatronics never did it for me... reminds me too much of the robots at DisneyLand.
3. Oh My Gore : "Who is your favourite director and why ?"
Don't know too many producers, but I'd have to say the crew on "SAW" did an amazing job... God, they really pulled it together out of thin air, it was amazing. As for directors, I'd have to go with Kubrick every time. The starkness, boldness, and attention to detail puts him in a class by himself. I seem to "sense the unknown" when I watch his films...
4. Oh My Gore : "Who is your favourite actor and why ?
Christopher Lee as Saruman in "THE LORD OF THE RING 1". Wickedness and evil, personified! The battle in Saruman's castle between Gandalf and Saruman is my favorite movie battle of all time, and Lee's portrayal of him is absolutely perfect. He was BORN to play that role, and he certainly deserves it. Kudos to you, Mr. Lee! I only wish I could watch him play that role for hours and hours.
5. Oh My Gore : "Which scene scared you the most ?"
The "Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite" sequence in Kubrick's "2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY". When I first saw that, at around age 14, I basically had my first drug experience. Without drugs, that is.
6. Oh My Gore : "Which band, according to you, symbolizes horror the best ?"
Skinny Puppy sure has some tracks that are scary as hell. Ministry, of course, and Zombie fit right in there as well, but I'd have to give it to Reznor and nine inch nails, even though I was a little prejudiced.
His vocals scare me more than anyone's, and when he gets dark, it's "darker than thou".
His vocals scare me more than anyone's, and when he gets dark, it's "darker than thou".
7. Oh My Gore : "Which original Soundtrack do you like the most ?
"THE SHINING". You just can't touch that one. It's got it all. Wonderful. Wendy Carlos' work on that is fantastic. An inspiration for decades to come, and a wonderful example of restraint. Something to be studied closely.
8. Oh My Gore : "Which movie poster do you like the most ?
I must confess to loving the "SAW" posters with the severed limbs. I couldn't believe they actually went for it... I made sure to get one framed!
9. Oh My Gore : "Freddy or Jason ?"
When do we get to see Freddy & Jason vs. Chucky & LeatherFace tag-team-style? That match-up might work... we could get the CryptKeeper to referee...
10. Oh My Gore : "What do you think about Oh My Gore ! ?"
Oh my Gore! It's gore-tastic! Gore-o-matic! Gore-o-riffic!
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