Interview with Elie - May 2005

1. Oh My Gore : "Which is your favourite movie and why ?"
That's a difficult question!!
The more recent "CABIN FEVER".
I love the hunts in the woods!
Otherwise, Tod Browning's "FREAKS" is an absolute masterpiece.
The more recent "CABIN FEVER".
I love the hunts in the woods!
Otherwise, Tod Browning's "FREAKS" is an absolute masterpiece.
2. Oh My Gore : "Which is the movie that you disliked the most and why ?"
"BLOOD SURF" with a bad cardboard crocodile!
Except for some Lloyd Kaufman or some Peter Jackson movies, I don't like bad Z movies.
They're fun in the beginning but you become mad by the end of it, the actors act badly and there's no story.
Except for some Lloyd Kaufman or some Peter Jackson movies, I don't like bad Z movies.
They're fun in the beginning but you become mad by the end of it, the actors act badly and there's no story.

3. Oh My Gore : "Who is your favourite director and why ?"
John Carpenter! It's not very original but he has something more than the others.
There's an atmosphere, a mood in his movies that most directors lost today.
There's an atmosphere, a mood in his movies that most directors lost today.
4. Oh My Gore : "Who is your favourite actor and why ?
Bruce Campbell! His part in "EVIL DEAD" is excellent! He's a comic book character!

5. Oh My Gore : "Which scene scared you the most ?"
The end of Polanski's "ROSEMARY'S BABY" because horror is suggested. The scenes around the tent in The Blair Witch Project aren't bad either.
6. Oh My Gore : "Which band, according to you, symbolizes horror the best ?"
The Misfits and Rob Zombie.
Mayhem for its unhealthy side.
Mayhem for its unhealthy side.

7. Oh My Gore : "Which original Soundtrack do you like the most ?
"HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES" by Rob Zombie
8. Oh My Gore : "Which movie poster do you like the most ?

9. Oh My Gore : "Freddy or Jason ?"
Smashing a camper in her own sleeping bag against a tree is awesome! Jason is efficiency.
Freddy is more thought of, more about drama. For example, the puppet scene in Nightmare on Elm Street Part 3 is unbelievable.
I prefer Jason!
Freddy is more thought of, more about drama. For example, the puppet scene in Nightmare on Elm Street Part 3 is unbelievable.
I prefer Jason!
10. Oh My Gore : "What do you think about Oh My Gore ! ?"
I think you make a good job! Too many people are made the same way and genre cinema is really part of the counter-culture.
Be careful, every litigious comments will be deleted.
Be careful, every litigious comments will be deleted.
damen - /07/20 at 01:38
# 1
any up coming shows in los angeles,calif.
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